The T3 Parking Structure by Danze Blood Architects (Associate Professor Elizabeth Danze, FAIA, and Senior Lecturer John Blood, AIA) is one of five finalists in the parking garage category of the Architizer A+ Awards, a global awards program with over 1,500 project entries from more than 100 countries.
Dean Fritz Steiner has been appointed to the Urban Committee of the National Park System Advisory Board.
Assistant Professor Robert F. Young‘s article “Planting the Living City,” published by the Journal of the American Planning Association in 2011, is on the current top ten list of the journal’s “most read” articles.
Assistant Professor Junfeng Jiao has co-authored an article, titled “Access to Supermarkets and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption,” in the American Journal of Public Health.
Assistant Professor Igor Siddiqui spoke to Artforum about his latest innovation, the use of bioplastics in creating his architectural work, which is the focal point of his “Protoplastic” exhibition, recently displayed at TOPS Gallery in Memphis.