Associate Professor Mohamed Boubekri was selected as a 2014-15 Fulbright Scholar.  He will be working in building technology at Arel University in Turkey.   

Assistant Professor Kenny Cupers has authored/edited two new publications: Use Matters: An Alternative History of Architecture (Routledge, 2013, ed.); and The Social Project: Housing Postwar France (University of Minnesota Press, 2014, author).  

Assistant Professor Kenny Cupers also received full funding from the Campus Research Board for six-weeks of summer travel for his continued research on “Architectural Modernism and Environmental Science in Imperial Germany.”


Associate Professor Lynne Dearborn has received the 2013-2014 Campus Award for Excellence in Public Engagement in recognition for her work of many years with public and community organizations in the Midwest and internationally, including the Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance in St. Clair County, the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, and the Olivette Park Neighborhood Association.  In addition, she has been invited by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to be the lead instructor in the ACSA Haiti Design Challenge International Service-Learning Studio in the summer of 2014.  

Assistant Professor Kevin Erickson was recently invited by actress Bette Midler and her non-profit organization the New York Restoration Project (NYRP) to participate in a design competition for a boat storage facility and outdoor classroom in Sherman Creek Park along the Harlem River in Upper Manhattan, along with eight other emerging New York based architects. In addition, Kevin was also invited by Winnipeg-based 5468796 Architecture to collaborate in their Canadian Prix de Rome Prize Project “Table for Twelve,” a traveling research project that invited prominent voices in eight international cities to discuss the factors that create a strong commitment to architecture in these places. Kevin hosted the NYC dinner along with Kyle May, editor of CLOG Journal.  

The urban design work of Associate Professor Erik Hemingway was a Selected Featured Project for the 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennial, Open Professional Category International Competition.  Hemingway’s residential design work was 1 of 54 International projects selected for the publication Global Architecture Houses Project 2014 A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo.  His project was also featured in the exhibition at Global Architecture Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.

Associate Professor Paul Kapp was selected as a 2013-14 Fulbright scholar.  He is currently completing his resident research at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.    Associate Professor Paul Kapp was also the keynote speaker at the Sixth International Conference on Industrial Heritage at the University of Rijeka in Rijeka, Croatia on April 25, 2014.


Associate Professor Joy Malnar’s co-authored book New Architecture on Indigenous Lands (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) was reviewed by Choice and the Art Libraries Society of North America. It was also listed on A Daily Dose of Architecture as one of John Hill’s select group of recommendations for the 2013 year. During the 2014 summer she will be giving presentations on her book at the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas and at the AIA 2014 National Convention in Chicago. Her article, “Architectural Design for Living Artifacts,” was published in Multi-sensory Museum: A Cross-disciplinary Perspective on Multiple Modalities of a Museum Experience edited by Dr. Pascual-Leone and Dr. Nina v. K. Levent (AltaMira, Press, 2014). She will be presenting material from this chapter at the The Inclusive Museum Conference in Los Angeles. Her book, Sensory Design (University of Minnesota Press, 2004) was the topic of Cyrus Stuart Kerr’s paper, “A review of the evidence on the importance of sensory design for intelligent buildings,” in the journal Intelligent Buildings International, 2013 Vol. 5, No. 4, 204–212. She will be a keynote speaker at the ScentWorld conference in New York.


Associate Professor Heather Minor has been awarded full funding from the Research Board for summer research for her project entitled “The Art of Winckelmann: Preliminary Research.”  

Professor and dF Chair Jeffery Poss, received a Mies Van Der Rohe Special Recognition Award for his project Meditation Hut III “Victor” in the 2014 AIA Honor Awards. The design award recognizes innovation in overall concept design or detail.


The Nathan Clifford Ricker Award recognized Assistant Professor Mark Taylor, Associate AIA, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for his dedication and talent as an AIA Associate member architecture educator in Illinois. A large component of Taylor’s humanitarian work in Haiti and in the agricultural U.S. has an educational component, and he often brings his research into the classroom where he hopes to inspire the next generation of architects to work with underserved communities. His students at the University of Illinois welcome the opportunities he provides to use their skills in real-world situations, such as an assessment of a hospital partially destroyed by the 2010 Haitian Earthquake and the development of a new master plan. Taylor also aims to reach a wider audience through online open source resources and informative videos.  

Assistant Professor Mark Taylor was recognized at the 2014 AIA Illinois Honor Awards and received the Nathan Clifford Ricker Honor Award for his dedication and talent as an AIA Associate member architecture educator. He consistently brings his humanitarian work in Haiti and in the agricultural U.S into the classroom, to inspire the next generation of architects to work with underserved communities.  Taylor also aims to reach a wider audience through online open source resources and informative videos.


Assistant Professor Therese Tierney has received Honorable Mention award from the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities (IPRH) Prizes for her research entitled “Reappropriating Social Media: Internet Activism, Counterpublics & Implications”, April 8, 2014.  

 Assistant Professor Thérèse Tierney also had an Invited Interview: “Is Paris a Smarter City than New York?” PRIME HubTech, August 23, 2013

Assistant Professor Tierney recently authored, “Will 3D Printing RevolutionizeArchitecture?,” Illinois MakerLab, BIF Design Education, February 6, 2014. In addition, she was an Invited Lecturer and Panel Moderator: “How Can Big Data Boost Urban Resilience?” The conference was organized by California France Forum on Energy Efficiency Technologies (CaFEET), Stanford University, CA, November 22, 2013.    

Assistant Professor Marci Uihlein has received full funding from the Campus Research Board for her research on “The Structural Engineer as Designer: Architecture’s Creative Partner.”   

Assistant Professor Marci Uihlein received the 2013 Building Technology Educators’ Society (BTES) Emerging Faculty Award.  This national award recognizes a “rising educator in building technology education who has demonstrated particular excellence in teaching and innovation during the formative years of their architectural teaching career.” 


On the Urbana campus, Lorado Taft’s Alma Mater bronze sculpture has been restored and re-dedicated. For the school’s contribution to the dedication time capsule, Visiting Instructor Brian Vesely designed a  “Primitive Hut” artifact of hydraulic cement cast into a 3D printed mold. The surface articulation on the sides of the artifact is binary code – a protruding sphere indicating 1, and a subtracted sphere indicating 0. The binary code describes the School’s Spring 2014 Lecture Series.  

Heritage Architecture, China’s first ever multi-disciplinary journal on historic preservation, has named ACSA Distinguished Professor James Warfield as featured columnist for the quarterly publication.  “Value in the Vernacular” will begin “The Warfield Column” in the premier issue of the journal in Summer 2014.