Recent graduates: Daphne Dow and Christina Zelbak win First Prize and People’s Choice Award for the Sukkahville Competition in Toronto.


  • Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow
  • From Houston, TX

Christina Zeibak and Daphne Dow were classmates at the University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture. They both constantly pursue their creative passions not only through architecture, but also through art, photography, competitions, and other forms of design. Recently graduated, they came upon the Sukkahville Design Competition excited and ready for the design-build challenge. They are both currently searching for opportunities to increase and refine their knowledge and skill set as designers and very excited about starting a career in architecture and design.

The inspiration behind Hegemonikon’s design is based on the philosophy of the cube. The Hegemonikon is the seat of the soul which rules and guides all the others, and it is considered to exist within the heart of all things. The complete development of the human Hegemonikon comprises absolute rationality; it chooses action according to reason. The design captures the juxtaposition between the simplicity of the cube and the complexity of the human.

Here are some construction photos as well as commentary on our design winning first prize: