2024 update

Research and Scholarship for Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment in Schools of Architecture

White Paper

Tenure and Promotion, White Paper

2024 update

The ACSA Research & Scholarship Committee led efforts to compile and update a comprehensive document on policies for tenure and promotion in architecture schools. ACSA Member programs can use this statement as a reference point for the development of their own tenure policies, based on local conditions. The document addresses multiple forms of scholarship, including the scholarship of design, the scholarship of engagement, and evaluating faculty practice projects.

The intention of this report is to articulate the value of research, scholarship, and creative work in the discipline of architecture and its related areas of expertise. This document seeks to create a clear framework for evaluating the multifaceted dimensions of architectural research, scholarship, and creative work.

Architecture faculty produce a wide variety of scholarship, creative work, and research. This is a result of many factors, including the diversity of research paradigms that operate within the field of architecture (e.g., historical, technical, cultural, social, environmental and ecological, health and safety, artistic, and professional) and the diversity of academic institutions where this work occurs. Evaluating the potentially wide range of forms of investigation, modes of dissemination, and peer assessment for even a single individual working in the discipline of architecture is one of the more challenging aspects of tenure and promotion review due to the wide variety of research, scholarship, and creative work.

2023–2024 Research & Scholarship Committee Members
José Ibarra, University of Colorado Denver (Chair)
Timothy O. Adekunle, University of Utah (TAD Board Member)
Ian Caine, University of Texas at San Antonio
Martha Campbell, RMI (ACSA Public Director)
Shelby Doyle, Iowa State University (ACSA At-Large Director)
José L.S. Gámez, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (ACSA Second Vice President)
Shawhin Roudbari, University of Colorado Boulder (JAE Board Member)
Staff: Eric W. Ellis, ACSA Senior Director of Operations and Programs

2017 Tenure & Promotion White Paper

2016-2017 ACSA Research & Scholarship Committee Members
Shannon Criss, University of Kansas (Chair)
Kelly Bair, University of Illinois at Chicago (ACSA East Central Regional Director)
Martin Bressani, McGill University, (ACSA Canadian Director)
Lisa Findley, California College of the Arts
Brian Lonsway, Syracuse University
Marc J. Neveu, Woodbury University (JAE Executive Editor)
Franca Trubiano, University of Pennsylvania
Kate Wingert-Playdon, Temple University
Staff: Eric Ellis, ACSA Director of Operations & Programs


Eric W. Ellis
Senior Director of Operations and Programs