Proceedings Archive
Proceeding Chapters
Aldo Rossi in the United States: A Meditation on Artifacts Over Time
Aldo Rossi: An Artist Challenges Typology
Aldo Rossi: Architect and Artist
Quarry Village for the 21st Century
Act V: The Commedia dell Arte in Venice
Constructing a Common-Place for the Generic City
The Pocket Neighborhood: Small-Scale Intervention in the Jewish Ghetto of Rome
Barcelona: A Case of Urban Palingenesis
Re-Memebering the Adige: An Architecture of Memory and Incusion
For an Alternative and Surrealist Use of History
A City Within the City: Proposed Mater Plan, Lowry Air Force Base
Wall Housing : Three Prototypes for the Post-Industrial City
Pavimenti Romani: Strategies for the Periphery of an Old City
Depicting the New City: The Iconography of a Town Centre
The Urban Form of Leisure: Amenity as Infrastructure
Urban Design in Poor Peripheral Neighborhoods
Growing Rhizomes and Collapsing Walls: Postmodern Paradigms for Design Education
Isn't the New City Everywhere: Explorations for a Methodology of the Contemporary Urban Experience
Four Walls: Transformation and Assemblage
Revealing the Ground : The Use of a Techique Trinity to Intepret Urban Landscapes
Strategies form the Architectural Subconscious
Service the Community Through "Service Learning" Approach: A Case of Integration
The Narrative of the Street in Ancient Greece
The Ideal City: The 1262 Constitution of the Sienese Commune
Letura di un Palinsesto: La Rete Viaria de Senlis
The Architecture of Argostoli: A Venetian Colonial New Town
Unitary Urbanism: Play Tactics of the Internationale Situationniste (1957-1972)
Re: New (ed) Urbanism: A 20th Century Tradition of "Building Community" in America
Luxury and Fate: Social Housing in Mies Van Der Rohe's Lafayette Towers
Le Courbusier: From Paris to Chandigarh, Variations on the Same Theme (1922-1956)
Rome According to Henry James: The Lure of the City and the American Imagination
Henri Labrouste and Civic Ornament: The Urbanity of the Bibliotheque Ste. Genevieve
The City Rises and the Futurist City
Point and Line into Landscape: Herbert Bayer and the Dilemma of Architectural Historiography
Berlin 1931: Entertainment and Identity in "The City of Work"
Angiolo Mazzoni: Geometry, Materiality, and Motion in the Fasciat City
Two Latinoamerican Cases: Legoretta in Monterrey and Miguel Angel Roce in Cordóba
(Un) Documented Urban Calligraphy -(In)Visibility of the Callejon in the Hispanic Caribbean
In-between Space: A Cinematic Counter-Argument to a Supposed Annihilation
Macro-Anxieties in a Micro-Community
Figural Color in the Seattle Cityscape
Aquae Urbis Romae: The Waters of the City of Rome
Places of Memory: Walking Tours of Manhattan
Between Objectivity and Illusion: Architectural Photography in the Colonial Frame
Drifting Through Detroit: Conceptualizing the Shrinking American City
Company Towns: A Neocolonial Perspective
The Periphery and America's Dominant Culture
New Design Models for the Public Space of Chinese Citites
Panurbanism: Tyson's Corner , A Case Study
The Post-Industrial City as Adriadne's Veil
Strategy of "Bigness": Maki and "Group Form"
Water and Power: Mulholland, Agrippa, and the Foundation Myth of the New City
The Brion Cemetery and the Narrative of Redemption
D'Annunzio, Freud and La Citta Morta
Models of the Mind: Architecture and Theory of the 1960s
Parallel Utopias: Pathological and Constituitive
Urban Artifacts and the Collective Memory: The Postcard as a Memory Palace
Apparent Culture/Invisible Nation: An Investigation in African and African-American Aesthetics
From Milan to Auckland: The Strange Flight of the Pirelli Skyscraper
Embodied Time in the Urban Artifacts of Rome
Demolition, Archaelogy , and Building: Mussolini and the Rhetoric of Destruction
Alternative Citites: Drifting Toward the Labyrinth
CIAM Meetings 1947-59 and the :Core" of the City: The Transformations of an Idea
Resolving the Paradox: Cultural Encounters in a Cairene Urban Space
The Grammar of Urban Transformation: A Tale of Two Cities
Living Like the Jetsons: The Impact of Information Technology on the American Landscape
Architecture Virali Nella Metropoli Montemporanea
The Immobile Mobile Home: Transforming the Character of the Built Environment
Superorganismi e fragilita nel progetto urbano contemporaneo
Meaningful Urban Design: Telological/Catalytic/Releveant
Hürriyet Square: The Story of Newness, Consumption and Transformation of an Urban Space
Diversifying Suburbia: Bungalow Courts as Spaces of Social Transition
University Sustainable Village: A Comprehensive Proposal for a New Compact Residential Community
Three Process Modes of Urban Growth Design
Roma Interrotta and the Monte Celio: A New Proposal Based on Past Lessons