Proceedings Archive
Proceeding Chapters
Brasilia: Drifting Radical Modernity
Rio de Janeiro: Urban Symbols: Centrality, Power, and Community
Transformation of Malay Vernacular Architecture in 20th Century Peninsular Malaysia
Slave Roots and Preservation: Cultural/Ethical Legacy of Colonialism in the New World
The Albert Mayer Team's Contributions to Chandigarh
Caracas New Urbanism: Cota Mil
The Role of Interactive Media in Sustainable Curricula
Design/Build Mexico Program: Addressing the Build Reality of Latin America
The Emerging New Paradigm of Environmental Design
New Roots, New Worlds, New Possibilities: Giving Form to Quality
Architecture Education in Bolivia: Pespectives of Public and Private Programs
Constructing New Educational Paradigms
Pedagogical Migrations: Constructing New Worlds Through Media
Constructing Urban Infrastructure: The Hillside Elevators of Valparaíso, Chile
The Baixada Fluminense Highway Project
The Angel of the Anthill: The Global Phenomenon of Unregulated Housing
Physical Urban Growth Design: An Integrated Urban Prototype Model, New Town Guasare, Venezuela
Mountain, Lake, Runway, Infrastructure and Symbolic Intent at Mae Hong Son, Thailand
Frontier Myths and High Tech Boom Towns
Living Among Ruins: Alvaro Siza's Chiado and the Rebuilding of Portugal's Historic Neighborhoods
The Malagueira Quarter in Evora, Portugal
Modernism and Images in Brazilian Spaces
Towards a Sustainable World: Risk Management and Preventative Planning for Natural Disasters
Constructing a Sustainable Urban Regenerative Proposal for Kyoto, Japan
Seinäjoki and the Community of the Land
Constructing Sustainable Cities: Vienna's Sustainable City Implantation
Nature: A Paradigm for an Evolving , Sustainable Technology
The Revitalization of an Atlanta Neighborhood: A Shared Design Experience
The Sustainable City-State of Singapore in the 21st Century
From Design as Making to Design as Becoming
The Reconfiguration of the Personal Environment
New Technologies and Their Ramifcations on Building Energy Codes
Playing the Field: Le Corbusier, Alfonso Reidy, and the Favelado
Reincarnation: Modernity and the Modern Architecture in South Asia
Inheriting Modernism: Rethinking Chandigarh in thr Postcolonial Frame
The Making of an Architectural Hybrid in Brazil
Houses at Fifty Cents a Pound: Buckminster Fuller's Conception of Domestic Space
In Praise of Light: Shadowless Construction in Early 20TH Century Germany
From Utopia to Heterotopia: Buffalo, New York
Felix Candela and the Making of New World Modernism
Identity Crisis-Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte and the Cuban Revolution
Radical Psychiatry and the Unconscious of the City: Henri Lefebvre, A Case Study
Against Arbitrary Architectural Signification: In Search of Significance in the Age of Globalization
Brasilia's Triad: Conceived , Spontaneous and Shifting Fields of Settlement
A Global Home for the Civil Savage: Nature of Constructed Landscape in a Post-civilised Modernity
The Illusion of Intensity: Commondity & Indifference
The Good Life: Consumption of Readymades/Construction of Events
A Journey Across Borders: The L.A./L.A.-Latin America /Los Angeles-Workshop
In Response to Context: Considering the Phoenix Canals
Recovering Mies van de Rohe's Weissenhof: The Ultimate Surface
Architecture of Leisure: The Strategic Re-Creation of Fascist Italy
Representation and Reform: The Image of philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary
Nostalgia as Marketing Tool: An Analysis of McKenizie Towne, Calgary
In the Aftermath of Paradise: The Modern Urban Utopia Reconsidered
The Rapid Urban Population Growth in the Case of Rio de Janeiro City
Strategies for Integrating Computers In Architectural Practice
Computer-Based Evaluation and Criticism for the Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings
Constructing New Urban Culture and Infrastrucutres: Computers and Architecture in the Digital Era
The Photographic Suppression of Reality: Re-Presenting Brasilia
Space in Architecture: A Reinterpretation of Its Essential Role
The Cognition of the Frontier : Great Zimbabwe
"Where the Third World Grates Against the First World and Bleeds"
The Bahmani Cities of Gulbarga, Firuzabad, and Bidar
Text and Discourse in 19th- and 20th Century Indian Architectural Studies