Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

Architectural Identity through Film

On Re-reading Kafka

"Mythic Physicality" in the work of Louis Barragan

The Infinite Kaleidoscope. Architectural Patterns in the Amazon Rainforest

Globalizing the Local: The Mashrabiy'ya as a Universal Architectural Motif

Searching for an Indian Identity: Contemporary Architecture of India

The Search for Identity and Modernity: Motion in Czech Cubist Architecture

Determinism, Essentialism, Social Construction: Uncovering the Jew's Space

Housing and Cultural Identity in Havana

Suggestions: For a future Habana

The Becardí Building in Miami: Crafting an Identity

Dissolving the Equator : Boundary Deforming at the Start of a New Century

The Most Dangerous Gift: Language, Architecture and the Discourse of Identity in the Catholic University of Valparaiso

Investigating the Notion of Room (Indoor-Outdoor) as Interpreted by Mellor, Meigs and Howe in Design of Garth and Garth Gwynyn

Dutch Domestic Architecture: Cultural Identity Revealed

Inside/Out: Shifting Boudnaries and Hybrid Spaces

Making Design Affordable: Universal Strategies for Urban Housing Design

Community Design in Cuba: Families shaping dwelling

Action at the Discrete Level

Visualizing Building Performance in a Multi-User Virtual Environment

Animated Case Studies: Digital Anaiytique

Camp(site): Vernacular Spaces/Territories of Itinerancy

The Integration of Urban and Periurban Agriculture into the planning policy of Havan: Planning for Urban Sustainability?

Western Culture as Role Model: The Westernization of Turkish Society and Architecture in the Early Years of the Republic as Evident in the Work of Ernst Egli

Tel Aviv, The Modern City in British Mandate Palestine

Visual Studies: Integrating Digital Media into the Design Studio Sequence

A Studio Approach to Teaching Architectural Technology

Teaching the Poetics of Structure

Professional Education in the Beaux-Arts Atelier

Connecting Global and Local Culture in Architectural Education

Educating Architects for Globalization: A Neglected Responsibility?

Program for Urban Processes Constructing the Urban Imaginary: Berlin-Los Angeles

Culture and Geography: An Interactive Process in the Formation of Courtyard Houses of Kashan in Iran

Celestial Alignments in Historic Sites: Integrating Nature, Belief Systems, and Architecture A Cross-Cultural Study of Ancient Architectural Settings in America, Italy, and China in the Light of Feng-Shui

Hey Ivan, Come on To Our Houses: American Architecture in Cold War Moscow

Architectural Masterpiece ina Rural Alabama Town: The Tuskegee University Interdenominational Chapel

Dissemination, Reception and Response to Chandigarh: Relevance of Modernism and Modern Architecture in India

Universal Space, International Style: Mies van der Rohe's Bacardi Building and his clear Span Philosophy

Theory and Strategies on Historiography: Investigation and Teaching

Lewis Mumford Tropicalist

Colonial Space and Historics of Architecture

Havana in the Decade of the 90s Last Images of the City

São Paulo: Urban Process and Globalization

Western Havana

Who Owns Nature? Rustic Architecture and Class Identity in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Past(s) & Prologue (s): Berlin Dialogues

Architecture, Globalization and the Politics of Production

Wireless Building: The Socio-Spatial Implications of Information Communications Technology in Postcolonial Societies

Routine Production or Symbolic Analysis? India and the Globalization of Architectural Services

Language and Location: Designing for Resistance

Animism through Demarcation: Using thhe Logic of an Eastern Precedent to Reveal Meaning

Globalization and the Discontents: The Case of Post-War Beirut

Instituting Exclusiveness: Modern Lebanese Architects and their Society

/prototype:enclosure/ 8 thesis proposals for Havana, Cuba

Acculturation of the Modern: Mass Tourism, Consumer Culture and the Work of Candilis-Josic-Woods

Las Vegas Genuinely Inauthentic

Tourism in San Juan , Puerto Rico and its Three Constructs: Island Past, Island Paradise, and Island Progress

Tourism's Sweet Perils

Tourism and Resistance in the Carribbean Sea: Global versus Local Spaces and Languages

Globalization and Regional Architecture in Havana: Between Homogenization and Local Creativty

Time, Place and Structure: An Urban Design Methodology and Illustrated Case Studies

Robert Smithson's Extended Site: Thoughts on the Dialectical City

The Urbanism of Good (and Bad) Intentions

Housing and Growth Management debates in Portland (OR): Conflicting Planning Views, Contrasting Cuba

Politics, Self-Help and Social Policy: The Shape of Housing in Revolutionary Cuba

The Attack on the World Trade Center: Pragmatic Investigation into its Implications for Urban Design

Shifting the Paridigm : Rethinking Urban Planning and Policy in Megacity Settlements Using the United States Military Base Structure as Model

The City within the City: Infill Development Strategies in Barcelona, Paris and Rome

Affiliated Practices and Aesthetic Interventions: Remaking Public Spaces in Cincinnati and Los Angeles

The Great Urban Parks of Havana