Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

On the Vicissitudes of History, Theory and Practice

Walking Nolil: Cartography and Choreography as a Study Abroad Introduction

Designing History: An Integrated Studio Approach


Designing in History at Taliesin

Retail Value: Culture, Consumerism and the Architectural Diagram


Re-making the Exquisite Corpse Studio

The Coincidence of Fragments: Architecture, Poetry, Cubism, & Unexpected Endings

Inside the Hollow Core: Re-assembling the Undone City

The Word Made Flesh: Spatial Tales of Origin as Collage in the Name of the Surveyor, the Nomad, & the Lunatic

Agent Proocateur-BIM and the Design Studio-Questioning Roles of Abstraction and Simulation in Design Education

Material Precedent:Typology of Modern Tectonics

Abstract and Literal Practices: Building Envelope Durability

Designing with the Craftman's Eye/Building with the Artist's Conscience: A Design/Build Experiment

Teaching for Transfer: Fostering Transmission of Knowledge Between Classroom and Studio

Performance-Based Directives in Architectural Studio-Based Education:Methods and Studio Project Outcomes in Sustainable Architecture and Design

A Case for Drawing

Hidden Values: Habituated Dispositions

The Aesthetic of Green and the Embedded Diagram

The Disappaering Architect: 21st Century Practice and the Rise of Intelligent Machines

Reconsidering the Ethics of Transparency

Digital Space and Analog Place: A Shared Reality

Cumulative Collaboration: A Case that Makes the Case for Design by Collective

Constructing Mental Landscapes

Environment by Design

Mercy mercy me (our ecologies)

Value Vreated Through Operative Practice: Catalytic Affordable Housing and Legislation

Landscape Metaphors, Eoclogical Imperatives, and the Architectural Design

Life Size: Environmental Knowing Through Full Scale Installations

Material, Method and Place; Architectural Investigations Through Making

Material, Procurement, and the Academmy: Ethics and Value in a Culture of Displacement

Design-Build: Multi-disciplinary Learning Beyond the University

Material Regionalism: Vorarlberg's Sustainable Timber Construction Tradition

Embedded Sensations: Material, Technology and the Scales of Perception

Collapsing the Material and the Haptic: Explorations of Japanese Architecture and Design

Tumbling Units: Tectonics of Indeterminate Extension

"Rebar" :Making the Ordinary-Extraordinary

Practice Nouveau

Larger than Life: Immersion and the Imagination in the Not-So-Small Worlds Sustained by Scale

Models as Mumbo-Jumbo

Initiative reCOVER: Building Schools for Tomorrow

Reclaiming the Pace and the Place: Learning from the Quilter

Regionalism and Necessity: A Proposal for Community Buildings in Rural Uganda

Salvation Army Urban Garden: The Interstital Space

The Beginnings of Environmentalism: The Schlesische Bund für Heimatschultz and Public Housing in Silesia

WIKI-tecture: Architecture, Value, and the Digital Age

Louise Bethune FAIA, the first Woman Member of the AIA: The Politics of Her Acceptance in the AIA

Approaches to Affordable Housing Design: Science, Art, Communication and Strategy

Prefabrication and the Postwar House: The California Manifesto

Symbiosis: The Second Wave

History as Index and Discipline in Design Pedagogy

Charter School Patterns of Innovation: A New Architecture for a New Education

Aesthetic Collaboration

Collaboratively Crafting a Unique Architecture Education through MODEL Assessment

Hey Guigo, may I borrow your ladder?

Venturi Effect

Learning at the Crossroads

Visible Cities: A Theoretical Approach to Rome. (The Waterloo Rome Program)

Over-the-Rhine: A Predicament of Place on the Road to Carbon Neutrality

Feeding Lady Architecture's Fire on Berlin's Museum Island

Toward the Silence of Sustainable Practices: Critical Erasure in Architecture Reuse

Sowing Seeds of Diversity: The Influence of Sustainability on Adaptive Reuse

Why No One Can Be Against Sustainability: Traversing the Fantasy of Sustenance Reveals a Surprisingly Universal Topology of Desire

Next-Use Architecture: Durability, Serviceability, Adaptability

ecoMOD3 -- the SEAM HousecoMOD3 SEAM House: Preservation as Social and Environmental Justice

Teaching by Observation Informs Structure (T.O.I.S.): Digitally Fabricated Models for Structural Education

LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY: With or Without the Buy-In of Your School

Teaching Integrated Practice in a Cross-Disciplinary Curriculum After Two Years

BIM and the Charrette: Technology and the Design Process - Results from the Interdisciplinary Course

Post-Mortem: Eight Years of Comprehensive Design Experiments and What comes Next

Making Conventions Speak

The Curtain Wall in Architectural Education: Technology, History and Design

Fragmentation and Interrogation as an Approach to Integration

Equipmentality and Architecture: Samuel Mockbee and the Rural Studio

The New Orleans Studio: Rebuilding the Broadmoor Community Center

Learning from the favelas: what informal settlements tell us about the dissemination of our knowledge

People & Place: Communicating Values in Community Development

Revising the American Dream

The Fifth Catastrophe

Place: The Socio-Cultural Context of Making Spaces

Charter School Patterns of Innovation: A New Architecture for a New Education

A Thesis Fable

Turning the Black Box into a Great Gizmo

The Thesis on the Table: Research, Pedagogy and Identity

Marginality and the Mainstream in DesMoines, Iowa: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Urban Deisgn Practice and Education

There is No Such Thing as Community..or Planning: Six Notes on a Mythological Urbanism

The Value of Collaborative Design:Urban Revitalization Through Community-Initiated Events

The Value of Urban Agriculture in Urban Design and Development: Literature Review and Case Study in Detroit

Fringe Urbanism:Latent Potential in Suburbia

Retrotting Suburbia: A Pedagogical Perspective

Iterative Approaches to Planning and Strategizing: Learning form the Architectural Studio Model

Architectural Knowledge and the Performativity Criterion: Computatio, Merchantilization, and Design Thinking in the "Post-Critical" Era

On the Way to (Design) Thinking

Design Thinking: From Object-Centered to Situational

Design Outreach: The TrailerWrap Project

SEED: Designing for Tennessee's State Parks

Studio: DetroitHS

Archi Infra Punctures

Architectural Coffee Cult-ivation

Threading Water: Relief Housing and Estuary Regenration

Monocular Sleeve-Park City House Addition

Ravine House (aka Levy house)


RVTR: Systems and Speculation