Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

Park + Ride: A Story of Confusion, Fear, Truimph, and Ultimately…Guilt

Exhibiting Construction: Expo Design Center and the Discourse of Cultural Display

Learning From Postcards: Architecture, Labor , and Montage

A Moveable Feast: Times Square and the Emergence of a New Paradigm

Immaterial Design

Looking Through the Rear Window Collage, montage, cyberspace, and real-place

Measuring the Difference: Tectonic Effects of Media on Architectural Design

Diversity and Neo-Traditional Planning

The Counterfeit Ideal of Community

"Ghetto" A Word and its U.S./age through the Twentieth Century

Universal Design Education: Reflection and Critique

A Tale of Two Apartheid Museums: Spatial Politics, Culture and Memory in Post Apartheid South Africa

Toward a Phenomenological Inquiry of Place and Identity in the Hoosier Heartland

The Luxury of Languor

Theatricality in the City: Colfax Avenue

Keeping the Place: Methodology for Culture-Specific Design Related to the Changing Form of Housing Compounds in Tanzania

Material Revolution

The Contrary Value of the Riddle, The Subjunctive, The Mannered Lessons on Architectural Resistance from Genoa and Italy

Palace and the Formation of Cultural Identity: The Muenster City Library

Restructuring The Identity of New York City One Culture at a Time: The Moroccans

Marginalization of the "Other"

The Wrapped City and the Wrapped Bodies

A River Runs Through It No More: Evaluating the Human-Nature Relationship of the Urban Stream

Lightness of Building: Furnishing a Regenerative Architecture

The Status of the Non-Place Object

Pure Time and Reconstructed Architecture

Machine à Habiter or Euvre Plastique? The Color Concept of the Villa Savoye

Preserving Liberty: 3-D Laser Scanning the Statue of Liberty Monument

Quilting with glass, Cedar and Fir: A workshop and studio in Rossland, BC

Bemis= Art Landscape

A Small Intervention Phase 1 of the Crossroads Project

The 2-Way House

Housing Diaspora: Scattered Infill for Little Haiti, Miami City, Florida

From Monument (+o) to Non-ument (-o): Aesthetics Fundament(o) as Construction', on the River Coasr Park, Vicente Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re-Collecting Rome: A Diachronic Guide to the City

Modern Planning as Civilizing Agent: Ernst May's Kampala Extension Scheme

Allegories of Postwar

Global Visions , Local Knowledge, and the Design of Model Communities: The Centrality of the Postcolonial World in the Historiography of Modernism

Implementing Information in Design Studio: A Case Study

Crossing boundaries in Design Studio : Community Design Pedagogy in an Integrated Multidisciplinary Studio

Applied Research in the Design Studio

Redefining Architectural Education at an HBCU

White is a Race Too: A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Minority Inclusion in Architecture

Building Analysis Reconsidered

Body Doubles: Appearances/Disappearances of the Body in Recent Work

Ann Hamilton's Oral Fix and the Naked Eye


El-Lissitzky, Irrational Space, and the Proun Studies

Robert Smithson and the Nonsites: Constructing the Site as a Dialectics

Marinetti's Motorcar: The City and the Machine Aesthetic

A Site Constructed : The Bonneville Salt Flats nad the Land Speed Record, 1935-1970

Landscape, Technology and Practice

Nature and the Machine: Alvar Aalto's Villa Maires and an Architecture of Place

The Algorithms of a Material Practice

Seeing Through FramesAlbini Domestic Modernity in Rationalist Italy

Pumping Up: Digital Steroids and the Design Studio

Paving Over Paradise reviewed: A case study on elevating discourse in the democratic processes of environmental design

Lines of Encounter Architectural Urbanism in the In-Between Speculative Prototype for Travel Plazas

De-urbanizing Urban Landscapes: Proposals for Change

Organization of Growth :Patterns of Control in SOM's Suburban Office Parks 1948-1970

Intervention in the Urban Infrastructure : Recovering Public Landscape in the City of Bath, Maine

The Global Reach of American Architectural Education: A Case for the "Urban Spatial Turn"

The Inscription of "Public" and "Civic" Realms in the Contemporary City

Ironbound Research Project-Phase One

Everyday Geometrics

Ordinary Unfamiliarity: Foundation Pedagogy through the Critique of the Everyday

Why Do You Always Make Us Think? Maintaining a Journal in the Beginning Design Studio

The Design Process : Charcoal Drawings, The Qualitative Representation

ACSA Affordable Housing Task Force

The Promise of Interdisciplinary Design: Roundtable to Prepare for Interdisciplinary Workshops

Frameworks: of Social Justice in Design Education: Creating Inclusive, Sustainable and Affordable Communities

ACSA Collaborative Practice Awards

Little Big Horn College Crow Agency

The AIA Education Honor Awards

"Dialogic reciprocity" : Binding for making to practice in first year design

Awakening consciousness : observing great practice

Education to "Take Back" the "Art of Building"

The Role of Design in Public Health and Health Care: A New Paridigm to Increase Physical Activity