Proceedings Archive
Proceeding Chapters
Design Process-Based Interoperable Software
Aesthetics and Technology: Cultivating a Common Ground
Conscious Construction II: A Theory- Based Approach to a Construction Technology Lecture Course
Materials, Ideas and Community: The Wheelbarrow Summer Theater
Quilting Space: Alternative Models for Architectural, Multidisciplinary and Construction Practice
Technology as Design Inspiration: Three Lightning and Architecture Projects
Registration and Concealment: Rhetorics of Architectural Illumination
Designing the Concert Hall of the 21st Century: Historical Precedent and Virtual Reality
Design in Masonry: Integrating Intention, Industry, and Constructing
Low-Tech Building: Innovations and Lessons Learned
Methods of Integrated Design and Construction: Design and Building Process Interface
The Use of Building Technology in Cultural Forensics: A Pre-Columbian Case Study
100 Years-Toward Establishing a Virtual Identity
Envisioning Structural System Behavior : From Da Vinci to the Finite Element Montage
Physical Model in Teaching Structures: From Basics to Creative Explorations
Pencil Towers: VRML as an Investigative Tool
Building an Intranet Model for CAAD: Staying Connected for Group/Self-Paced Learning
The Technology of World Pictures
Glazing Performance: A Vital Signs Resource Package for the Study of Architectural Glazing
The Space of Materials:A Sculptural /Architectural Interchange
Stance and Circumstance: Intentional Materiality
Exploring Critical Making: A Design Tectonics Primer for a Mechanical Shade Tree
Architecture and the Soft Machine: Integrated Design, Craft, Production
Poposal for an AIDS Memorial: Key West, Florida
Digitalizing History: Gendering Interpretation of History Sties
Project Row Houses: An Intervention
Visible Cities: An Installation Commemorating Robert Moses' Panoramic Model of New York City
National Diet Library and Archive Kansai Science City, Japan
Tactile Daylight : K. Naess Residence in Houston, Texas
House/Studio in South Miami, Florida
Designing in the Margins: Two Backyard Retreats
I-10 The Gulf Coast States/ Mall Housing
Garden of Time; Landscape of Change: Women Suffrage Memorial St Paul, MN 1996
Island Culture: A Sculptural Investigation of Isolation and Containment
Hotel on the Road at a "Casa de Caminero"
League City Parks Master Plan: The Exurb Re-imagined
Flesh: A Third-Year Design Studio
A Naive Visibility of Things: A First Year Design Studio Project
Architecture, Theatre, and Memory: A Comprehensive Studio Project
Conceptual Diagramming: A Creative Process Forming the Material from the Imagined
Catalyzing the Design Process: Search, Research, and Invention
Detroit's Michigan - Detroit, Michigan
Testing the Public Realm: Exploring Change and Tolerance in Public Space
City Metaphors, urban constructs
Re-forming Architecture and Planning through Urban Design: St. Petersburg Case Study
Design With Meanings: Feng-shui and Cosmology in Architecture
7 Lessons of Painting for Architecture
On Collecting Material: Foundation Level Graduate Studio
Structure, Bridging, and John Cage
Reflections on Commonplaces and Domesti-city
Imagined Architecture via Material Imagination: A Matter of Trans-Formation
The Royal Oak Studio: Re-building the American Small City
Duality and Invisibility: The Space of Race and Memory in the Urbanism of the American South
Re-Building Diversity: Prospects for Establishing Diverse Downtown Communities
Lesson from Bozeman Montana: Why a Tangible Definition of Town Character Matters
The City and the Garden: A Dialectic of Center and Edge
The Streets of Laredo: Revaluating the Vernacular Urbanism of Old Nuevo Santander
Cold War Hangovers: Planning in Prague's Post-Communist Landscape
From La Telaraña to Downtown: The Appropriation of Colonial Trappings in the Latino/a Imagination
Between Commerce and Sustainability: Three Projects by Victor Gruen
Working the Urban Net into a Safety Web
Factors Affecting Development of Small-Scale Infill Housing
"A Great Exhibition:" The Pittsburgh Architectural Club Exhibition of 1907
The Chicago Tribune Tower Competition: Publicity and Democratization
The Tactile Light of Guarino Guarini's SS. Sindone Chapel
Material and Immaterial Architectures: The Clocktower Controversy
Locating the Distance Point: An Epiphany of Images, Thoughts and Places
Architecture of Leisure: The Strategic Re-Creation of Fascist Italy
Ordering the Sensual: The Paradoxical Utopias of Brazilian Modernism
Some Notes on Continuity in the Work of Adolf Loos and Aldo Rossi
Paul Scheerbart's The Gray Cloth: Gender, Architecture and the German Werkbund Debate
The Architecture of the Theater: The Influence of Adolphe Appia
Chick's Slick Tricks from Pix to Flicks, or Glossing the Therese Bonney Fashion Photo
Colubrine Chains and Right Line: A Daedalic Analysis of Ruskin's "Living Waves"
Ornament, Crime, Myth, and Meaning
Evoking Time for the Imagination
Notes on Buckminster Fuller's Theory of Ephemeralization
Gehry, Onan and the Mule: Possibilities of Non-Reproduction
Indian Furniture: Between the Body and Architecture
Staging the Sites of Masculinity
A Wall of Books: Natural and Applied Colors in Architecture
A Web-based Architectural Case Study System
Multimodal Technologies for Interschool Collaboration
Compressed Video Conferencing Technology in the Context of International Virtual Design Studios
Forging a Model of Digital Practice
Designing the Digital Environment
A Prototype of an Artificial Life Generative Agent
The Role of Physical and Virtual Artifacts in the Collabroative Design Process
Inquiring Between Digital & Analog Media: Towards an Interfacial Praxis of Architecture
Models and Virtual Space: Imagined Materiality
The Structures of Memory: New Modes of Depicting Existing Architecture
Value Engineering or Architecture and the Pursuit of Happiness
Value and Regenerative Economy in Architecture
Architecture as an Investment in Health
Housing Economics and the Decline of the Middle Class
The Value of Fragmentation: A Critical Look into the Assembly of Design Structures
Architectural Design and Value Engineering: A Cross-Disciplinary Study
Research as the Fountainhead of Innovation: A Case Study of CRS
Poetry Extinguished: The Power of Pop
The Signs of Illusion: Las Vegas
LL.B. to J.D. and the Professional Degree in Architecture
Life Stories - Life Building: Investigations at the Interface of Architecture and Biography
A Parallel of West African Vessels: Body Ornamentation and Building Ornamentation
Windows '67: Robert Smithson's Architectural Criticism
Five (Hypo)theses Toward a Critical Practice in Architecture
Mies, Politics, and the Bauhaus Closure
Defying Dreams and Gravitation: On the Architecture of Stairs
ImAGE and ToxiCITY Ars Memoria at an EPA Superfund Site
Say Nice Things about Detroit: Private Visions and Public Debate
Troping Matter: Death Masks and Life Casts
Mapping Shadows: Infecting the Map's World
Other Bodies, Other Plights: Embodiment and Appropriateness in Yuan Ye