Proceedings Archive

Proceedings Archive

Proceeding Chapters

Trans-Artic Urbanism: Toward a New North

Currency= Territory: Force, Circulation, Precarity

Control Structures and Volatility Engines: Dialectic Design Agents for Glocal Public Space

Retracing Propinguity and the Ethno(flow)

Architecture and the Image of Fluidity Shady Attia, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Incongruity, Bizarreness, and Transcendence: The Cultural/ Ritual Machine vs. Technocractic Rationalism at Expo '70

Building Urban Narrative: Themed New Towns in China

Stealing from ourselves: Derivations of the Gable Roof Form in Contemporary Architectural Design

The Wayward Cast: Gipsotecas, Digital Imprints, and the Productive Lapse of Fidelity

Preventivie IP: Notes on the State of Architectural Intellectual Property

"Out of Failure": Disaster Relief and Digital Fabrication

Overlooking Urban Design: UnseenSpatial Conflict and De Facto Designers of Coastal Space

Using Immersive Computing Environments in Environments Research

Negotiating public Spaces in the 'World City': The Interplay of City, Nation and the Global as Overlapping Spatial Oeuvres on Tel Aviv's Shoreline

The Post-public City: Experiences from Post-Socialist Europe

The New Projects

Hellinikon: Tactis of Capital Urbanization and the Collective Superstructure

Songdo, Korea : Aerotropolis, Metropolis, and Cyberpolis

Building Space Not Building: A Case Study

Spaces of the Recent Past: Cinematic Investigations for a Marketplace in the Space of Flows

Dissonant Architecture, Architectures of Dissidence: on the Right to Urban Society

Northern Designers in Africa: A Political Diary of Building a House in Rwanda

The Adaptive Governance Lab: Learning about Government in the Architecture Design Studio

Incubating Uncertainty: Anticipating Change in Vine City, Atlanta

Mutual Self-Help to Exnihlo: The Evolving Role of Architectural Tactics in Empowering the Informal City

Designing the Village Tapestry: New Architectural Agency(ies) of Community Building and Design

Space as Event as Oeuvre

Spatial Stories in Northern Manhattan

Antipodal Architecture: Traces of the 'Other Tradition' in paino's Tijibaou Cultural Centre

Other Localisms: Reframing "Social Architecture" within Globalism, the Case of the Butaro Hospital

An Asian Avant-garde: A Lexicon of Asian Modernity

The National Schools of Art: A Flow Often Disrupted in Cuba

Let's Get Small: Strategies for Urban Comedy

Kremlin Form

Space of Continuity: Frank Lloyd Wright's Destruction of the Box and Modern Conceptions of Space

Miniaturize or Die! Paolo Soleri's City as Architecture

The Martyr and the Juggernaut: Disrupting Global Assumptions in Architectural Pedagogy

A Path to Elsewhere: The Transenium Experience

Fluorescent Architecture

Superthickness: A Genealogy of Architectural Control from Surfaces to Volume

Using Computer Numeric Controlled Equipment for Customizing Repetitive Manufacturing

Parametric Models in Hyper-Space

Identifying Style: Machine Recognition of Greek Temples and Gothic Cathedrals

The Cultural Politics of Architectural Biology

Partner-Translate-Impact: A Method for Public Interest Design in Architectural Education

Reflecting on Service- learning in Architecture: Increasing the Academic Relevance of Public Interest Design Projects

Building Social Building: Public interest Design as a Catalyst for Change

Catalytic Approaches to humanitarian Design: Critical Reflections Upon Twenty Years of Design and Education for the Public Interest

Ruins in post-Industrial Appalachia

Learning from Adjectival Urbanisms: The Pluralistic Urbanism

A Saturated Landscape" Atmospehre as the Qualification of Space

Tall Buildings, the Increasing Gap between Fantasy anf Reality: Iconic Opportunities in Need of Direction

Toward a Redefinition of the Vertical: The Skyskyscraper in Algorithmic Reproduction

John Portman and the "La Nuit Américaine": The Skyscraper in the Imagined City

The European Skyscraper, between Taming and Emancipation

Designing the Build Experience through Inhabitable Deliverables: Three Case Studies Housing the Nature of Project-Based Instruction

A History of Community Design/ Build in the United States in Four Moments

Digital Fabrication in Design Build Studios

Design-Build: Personal Identity for the Homeless

Adaptive Fabrications: Rapid Directions in Design Build

The Work of Robert L. Faust: A Case Study of Design-Build in the Academy

Eternal City to Open City: Rome's Postwar Academies as Architecture's First Global Programs

Critical Travel and Work-Mekong: Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh

Global Immunolgy: A Potential Cure for Being Twenty

Cultural Exposure: Alternatives to Traditional Travel Abroad

Market/Place: Studies in (Genoa) Italy

Slowness: The Dialogue Between Architecture and Landscape in Scandinavia

Incremental Iniatiatives: Global Programming X6

Abroad in the World: Some Thoughts on Ever-Expanding Off-Campus Programs

Medical Transplants

Drawn Through: The Sectional Perspective as a Tool of Engagement

Diagrams and Abstractions: Machines and Desires

Challenging the Standard: Girls' Schools as Agents for Change in Afghanistan

Libril: A Case Study in the Anticipatory Library

Design Build: Collaborative Labor Creating Community

Pedagogy With and Against The Flow: Generational Shifts, Social Media, and the Gen Z Brain

Cloud Colonies: Electronic Urbanism and Takes Zenetos' City of the Future

Asset Urbanism: Ghosts, Zombies, and the Simultaneity of Amplified Growth and Decay

Parallel Thinking: Networked Technologies for Enhanced Urbanity

Remaking Locations, Based on Fictions, Questions and Swaps

Zero Feet Away: Technology, Sex, Love, and the Image of the City

A Harvest of the Accesible: Potentials and Limitations of Utilizinf Web 2.0 Data for Urban Analysis

Urban Interstate Right-of-Way as Sites of Intervention

Dubai: The Quest for a Global Urban Utopia

A Quantum City, or How to Master the Generic

Allographic Urbanism: From Guerilla to Open Source

The Making of Chinese Eco-New Towns: Three Case Studies

Three Scenes and Speculations from a Future City


Soil Cities: Unleashing Material VLOs with Natural Computing

Better Know a VLO: Realist Approaches to Very Large Organizations

Building on Boyer: Heeding Curriculum Scholarship to Answer Architecture's Global Call

Challenges and Opportunities: Towards a Socially Responsible Curriculum in a Globalizing World

Creative Inquiry: A Case for Specialized Research as Foundation of the Undergraduate Architecture Curriculum

Perfomance-Based Design Strategy and Parametric Design Goal Setting

Developing Architecture Tools and Curricula for Meaningful Energy Analysis

Educating for a Carbon Neutral Future: A Danish Perspective in a Global World

Next Generation CLT: Mass-Customization of Hybrid Composite Panels

Bubbles Burst

FUTURE + Living: A Scenario-Based Graduate Design Studio

Imagining Otherscape: Integrating Sociocultural and Natural Systems through Soft-Tectonics