Find a Job

ACSA is here to assist you throughout your career, from finding a job, seeing you through tenureship, and then helping you to succeed in your research, design, and scholarship. Check out the Find a Job page to find the latest job announcements.

Associate Dean of Research and Innovation

Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY

ACSA Summer Communications Intern

Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Washington, DC

Assistant Professor, Virginia Architecture Fellowship (multiple positions, Non-Tenure Track, General Faculty)

University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Assistant Professor Architecture Building Technology + Design

California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA

Assistant Professor Architecture

South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD

Instructor of Architecture

South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD

Tenured or Tenure-Track Open Rank Faculty in the Department of Architecture

Texas A&M University
College Station

Associate Director for Academic Planning and Learning Enterprise

Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ

Assistant Professor of Architecture in Professional Practice

Wooodbury School of Architecture
Burbank, CA

Assistant Professor of Architecture in Building Technology and Integrated Design

Wooodbury School of Architecture
Burbank, CA

Tenure Track Faculty Architecture [2 positions]

California State University, Sacramento
Sacramento, CA

Associate Dean of Research and Innovation

Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX

Design Research and Teaching Fellowship

Northeastern University
Boston, MA

Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities (CGBC) Fellow

Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

Assistant Professor - Architecture

North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND

Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, Structures, and Mass Timber

University of Oregon
Eugene, OR

Assistant or Associate Professor, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Institute of Technology
Boston, MA

Professor of Practice in the Arts (Associate or Full) - Architectural Design/Theory

University of Chicago
Chicago, IL

Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY

Assistant Professor or Associate Professor without Tenure (tenure track) — Position in Design

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

ACSA Summer Communications Intern

Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Washington, DC

Assistant Professor, Virginia Architecture Fellowship (multiple positions, Non-Tenure Track, General Faculty)

University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Teaching Assistant Professor, Design Studio and Advanced Digital Technologies

University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

Assistant Professor Architecture Building Technology + Design

California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA

Assistant Professor - Architectural Design

University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada

Faculty Fellow and/or Teaching Lecturer

University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK

Assistant Professor Architecture

South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD

Instructor of Architecture

South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD

Assistant Professor or Associate Professor of Architecture

Kennesaw State University
Marietta, GA

Tennessee Architecture Fellowship

University of Tennessee, College of Architecture and Design
Knoxville, TN

Assistant or Associate Professor, Architecture, Technology/Tectonic Culture

Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI

Assistant or Associate, Architectural Design

Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI

Assistant Professor of Environmental Planning

University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Assistant Professor of Interior Design

University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX

Tenured or Tenure-Track Open Rank Faculty in the Department of Architecture

Texas A&M University
College Station

Assistant Professor of Architecture, Design History Theory

University of Tennessee Knoxville
Knoxville, TN