Education Committee

The Education Committee leads ACSA’s efforts to improve the effectiveness of architectural education through best practices. The committee oversees and recommends, as necessary, actions to cultivate and disseminate these best practices.

Dahlia Nduom

Assistant Professor
Howard University
Washington, DC

Bailey Brown

Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK

Jori Erdman

James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA

Ulrike Altenmüller-Lewis

Department Head & Associate Professor
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA

Joshua A. Foster

Adjunct Professor
East Los Angeles College
Monterey Park, CA

Kendall A. Nicholson

Senior Director of Research, Equity, and Education
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Washington, DC

June Williamson

City College of New York 
New York, NY

2024-2025 Education Committee

Specific Charge

The Education Committee is charged with leading ACSA’s efforts to improve the effectiveness of architectural education through best practices and overseeing programs to cultivate and disseminate these best practices.

In 2024-25, the committee will expand our Community College conversation, by looking at the continuum of architectural education, across community colleges, four year programs, accredited degree programs, through AXP, to examine the role and value of higher education across these different paths. The committee will focus on opportunities for alignment, and transparency across these education paths to support informed and future-focused decision making by students and to advocate for the benefits of higher the committee will continue its work to increase engagement of and partnerships with community colleges and non- and pre-professional architecture programs.