On behalf of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Faculty of Architecture and Planning Dalhousie University
We are happy to invite you to the inaugural Robert H. Winters lecture series Resistance as Practice: Acts of Anti-Racism through Architecture and Planning! This series is hosted by the Dalhousie University Faculty of Architecture and Planning’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. On November 18th at 7pm AST/8pm EST we will host a lecture by Dr. Craig Wilkins, an architect, artist, activist and accomplished scholar of race and hip-hop architecture. Please see the attached announcements for more details on Dr. Wilkins and the other events in the series and register through Eventbrite link below.
The series will extend into the spring of 2021, and feature architects, planners, scholars, and activists whose work focuses on anti-racism on scales local to Halifax, in other Canadian contexts, and internationally. Other speakers and panelists will include Mindy Fullilove, Frank Palermo, Jennifer Llewelyn, Ingrid Waldron, and more.
We are organizing this event at a critical moment for architects, planners and other disciplines grappling with difficult histories and professional cultures. This means questioning how designed spaces are embedded with power structures that stratify our society, and how practitioners are implicated in this. Just as importantly, we must acknowledge that this is not a new conversation or area of analysis: racialized communities have developed their own planning and design practices in cities when they have not been heard by the faces of power. This lecture series builds on the ongoing powerful response to racialized violence by presenting the work of practitioners, academics and activists who have pursued these acts of anti-racism as a central focus of their work.
We hope that you’ll join us!
Evenbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/
In Solidarity,
Dalhousie Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee – Faculty of Architecture & Planning