Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2021 | Virtual Conference

2021 AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference: COMMUNITIES

Fall Conference


May 19, 2021

Abstract Deadline

July 2021

Abstract Notification

Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2021

Virtual Conference

Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: May 19, 2021


Rico Quirindongo, City of Seattle, Office of Planning and Community Development
Georgeen Theodore, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Call for Abstracts

Research Abstract Submission Deadline: May 19, 2021

For this conference, there will be five tracks focused on resilient communities. Respondents should identify one of these five tracks, that most relate to their research while completing their abstract submission. Across all five tracks, we invite all submissions to address one or more of the principles from the AIA Framework for Design Excellence.

  • Equitable Communities
    Design solutions affect more than the client and current occupants. Good design includes considerations of community history, context, culture, and more to positively impact present and future occupants and the larger community. How might the ‘Social Determinants of Health’ (Kaiser Family Foundation) and similar frameworks set the stage for how we approach equity in built environment considerations?
  • Healthy Communities
    Good design supports health and well-being for all people, considering COVID, physical, mental, and emotional effects on building occupants and the resilience of the surrounding community.
  • Zero-Carbon Communities
    Given our current and future climate challenges highly energy-efficient community-based projects are needed to create carbon-free & renewable energy-powered resilient places.
  • Community Localism
    Showcasing resilient community-based design responses to one’s own area or region, such as grassroots efforts, community design centers, and local ventures, along with attention to material supply chains, local trades education, and impact of community culture and engagement, etc.
  • Post-Pandemic Communities
    As we wrestle with the impacts of the pandemic and pressing calls to address systemic racism and inequities, we need our communities to thrive and bounce back in climate-responsive and resilient ways. How can we take a critical look at the disproportionately negative impact of COVID on our communities of color and provide a pathway for a better future? What are the lessons learned and silver linings that can inform our future for the better?

Online Submissions

Submission Deadline: May 19, 2021


Educators, Practitioners, Researchers and Students are all encouraged to submit. If you are already an ACSA member, please log into the website to submit your abstract. If you are not an ACSA member or do not have an ACSA login, please create one online HERE. You may also request access by contacting ACSA directly at

Submission Requirements
  • Abstract (500-words max), Title (100-characters max) & Endnotes (optional: 250-word max)
  • Images: No more than 3 images (optional: jpg)
  • All abstracts must be prepared for anonymous review (remove author/contributor names and affiliation identification).
  • Submissions must report on recently completed work and cannot have been previously published or presented in public, except to a regional audience.
  • Submissions must be written in English.
  • An author may present no more than one paper at the conference.
Presentation and Publication

Following the blind peer-review process, the conference co-chairs make final acceptance decisions. All authors will be notified of the status of their submission and will receive comments from their reviewers. Final acceptance of abstracts translates to presentation at the conference and inclusion in the Proceedings. Sessions will be composed of four to five accepted authors allowing for both scholarly and applied research to demonstrate impact. Accepted abstracts will be invited to expand on their research and submit a full paper, post-conference, to be included in the conference Proceedings.

Authors accepted to present at the conference will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to present the paper/project at the conference before it is published. It is ACSA policy that accepted authors must pay full conference registration in order to be included in the conference presentation and Proceedings.

Melanie De Cola
AIA, Manager, Architectural Research

Eric Wayne Ellis
ACSA, Senior Director of Operations and Programs