June 24-25, 2021 | Virtual Conference

2021 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference

Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design (in)Action


October 14, 2020

Abstract Deadline

February 2021

Abstract Notification

June 24-25, 2021

Teachers Conference

July 28, 2021

Full Paper Deadline

Call for Images

Curricula for Climate Agency: Design (In)Action

The 2021 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference, Curriculum for Climate Agency, welcomes exemplary and original formats that image potential near futures in an era of climate crisis. While we primarily seek drawings by faculty, illustrating their work and pedagogy, we invite submissions of exemplary student work. We welcome a range of techniques that substantiate and challenge the basis of this medium.

Imag(in)ing a Future Imperfect

Designers will continue to create images that reach towards or even announce conditions of our near future, even while our terrestrial existence itself continues to change. The future imperfect describes scenarios for the post‐Anthropocene, wherein we imagine an image not in terms of modernity’s dichotomies between nature and science, but rather through the lens of a continual form of adaptive environmental change. Designers’ agency, in this sense, lies less in the making of a series of static marks on a page and more in the harvesting of information and signals in constant flux before our eyes. We draw in parameters, pixels, and point‐clouds; we rearrange constantly changing vectors and fields in front of our eyes, and translate that information through multiple mediums for communication, instantiation, and construction.

Climate crisis yields vast quantities of data on the near past, but we seek to document a near and likely imperfect future. Consider the next fifty years. What relations between human and non‐human, between atmosphere and geological strata, between dynamic modes of existence and the conditions of their stasis can we draw on in describing a future imperfect? We encourage the investigation of new tools and techniques of drawing that demonstrate our changing abilities as designers, architects, landscape architects and planners to simulate, model, and anticipate the ever‐changing conditions of our environment as an aesthetic matter of information. Building upon the conference’s theme on the state of design pedagogy in the face of climate change, this exhibition explores the making role of images as a form of climate agency.

Through this open call and invited contributors, we seek exemplary and original formats that image potential near futures in an era of climate crisis. While we primarily seek drawings by faculty, illustrating their work and pedagogy, we invite submissions of exemplary student work. We welcome a range of techniques that substantiate and challenge the basis of this medium.

Image Jurors

Luis Callejas
Oslo School of Architecture

Amandine Kastler
Oslo School of Architecture


Jonathan Scelsa
Pratt Institute

Jørgen Johan Tandberg
Oslo School of Architecture

Olivia Vien
Pratt Institute

Farzam Yazdanseta
Pratt Institute

Submission Requirements

Submission Deadline: October 14, 2020


Submissions should include the following:

  • Title of Work,
  • Dimensions and Medium,
  • One High Resolution Image (PDF or JPEG with 10MB limit) Faculty or Exemplary Student Drawing,
  • Written Description, not to exceed 350 words
    – Clear indication of a relationship to one of the ten scholarship thematics of the conference.
    – Include overview of relation of faculty and student drawing if submitting both
  • Submission must be prepared for anonymous review (remove author/contributor names and affiliation identification).
  • Authors may present no more than two papers or drawings at the conference. No individual may be listed as the first author on more than two submissions.
  • Submissions must report on recently completed work and cannot have been previously published or presented in public, except to a regional audience.
  • Submissions must be written in English.
How to Submit

The deadline for submitting to the Teachers Conference is October 14, 2020. Authors will submit image proposals through ACSA’s online interface.

Curated Exhibition

Accepted authors agree to exhibit their work in the Imag(in)ing a Future Imperfect Exhibition. Accepted authors will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to allow the conference co-chairs to curate an exhibition to be held at the 2021 Teachers Conference | Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design (in)Action. Accepted authors must pay full conference registration for inclusion in the program and in the exhibition.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to withhold a paper or image from the program if the author has refused to comply with the guidelines. Failure to comply with the conference deadlines or request for materials in advance may result in an author being dropped from the program.

Michelle Sturges
Conferences Manager

Eric W. Ellis
Senior Director of Operations and Programs