October 11-13, 2018 | Milwaukee, WI
2018 ACSA Fall Conference
PLAY with the Rules
October 11 – June, 2019

MIES.zip: Compressed Constructions (designers’ rendering)
James Lowder, The Cooper Union & Misako Murata, University of Pennsylvania
Supported by an NEA grant, the pavilion will be built onsite in the courtyard of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Architecture & Urban Planning. The Play Pavilion is titled: MIES.zip: Compressed Constructions and is designed by James Lowder, The Cooper Union & Misako Murata, University of Pennsylvania. The designers description “As a counter-point to the ubiquitous contemporary pavilion, we are proposing a new category of architectural production: the .zip construction….In this particular compression, the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe was used as a point of departure… The result is a construction that references yet is autonomous to the building, an estranged and hyper-articulated totem that contains all the DNA of the larger construction; it is all detail.”
Read the full Press Release:
Pavilion Exhibit at Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
October 11 – November 11, 2018
In addition to the full-scale Play Pavilion, there will also be an exhibition in the Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum of the Pavilion Designs. This exhibition will include scale models of the top pavilions. Following are the nine pavilions and designers.
designers’ initial rendering
Portmanteau (suitcase) Exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Museum
October 11 – November 4, 2018
In their 1991 Tourisms: Suitcase Studies installation at the Walker Art Center, Diller + Scofidio broke the boundaries between art, architecture and design with a traveling exhibition that explored the relationships between bodies, geographies, histories and technologies. Taking inspiration from this playful, yet powerful approach, the call for The Portmanteau will exhibit physical designs packaged within a carry-on suitcase. The following Design teams from around the world will exhibit their proposals in the Schroeder Galleria at the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) for approximately one month with an opening reception as part of the ACSA Conference on October 11th. Guest speaker, Alexandra Lange, will be delivering a keynote. The Schroeder Galleria is in a public space of the museum that is open during regular museum hours.
designers’ initial rendering
Eric W. Ellis
ACSA, Director of Operations and Programs
Allison Smith
ACSA, Programs Manager