Encounters Encuentros Recontres

Zoon/Selection: A Slow Document in Various Scales

International Proceedings

Author(s): Martha Skinner

From south to north, sunrise to sunset, over a seven-day cycle along the entire length of Broadway Street in Manhattan, a cross section of physical conditions and activities through the city is collected using a digital video camera. In this section, the city is sampled, measured, and represented. Zoom is exploited as a filtering device, a measuring device, and as an idea for traversing the city. The cross-section samples and as a drawing convention, it reveals spatial relationships along a chosen line. Here, the ubiquitous Broadway Street, the only street deviating from the grid while traversing the entire island, is this line—the section cut. The document studies and represents one week in the history of this city. What was collected during this trajectory can only happen once, yet it reveals patterns about the city at many scales that are repeated in time. This document, which will travel and map the city as a three dimensional inhabitable document on and moving on Broadway, merges the vocabulary of drawing with the vocabulary of the moving image.

Volume Editors
David Covo & Gabriel Mérigo Basurto
