104th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Shaping New Knowledges

[Un]described Fields of the Great Plains

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): David Karle

Few have dared to move beyond the obvious choice by scholars and practitioners to investigatethe increasing density in urban areas and consider the vast openness left behind.Recently however, scholars and practitioners Rem Koolhaas and Stan Allen have called for areconsideration of the liminal areas outside large metropolitan areas. Rem Koolhaas states,“Everyone knows that more than half of mankind lives in cities, that everyone is movingto the cities. And I became interested in simply, what did they leave behind. … Iam discovering the countryside now is a totally undescribed field and nobody thinksabout it. In spite of that, it is changing very fast. The countryside is no longer an idyllicenvironment.”1

Volume Editors
Robert Corser & Sharon Haar
