Author(s): Franca Trubiano
The research question at the center of this paper was initiated in response to my participation in a larger Department of Energy funded project awarded to the Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster for Energy Efficient Buildings (GPIC). My particular research initiatives within GPIC are focused on developing a roadmap of use by architects, engineers, builders and building owners for the successful implementation and market adoption of rigorous Integrated Design Practices in the energy efficient retrofit of buildings in a 10 county region of the Mid Atlantic region, that includes the city of Philadelphia and its Navy Yard. A group of computer scientists and building engineers comprise the Integrated Technologies Team, whose “subtask [is to] utilize models, tools, and methods developed by the Design Tools Team for rapid synthesis of systems.” 1 And a sub-group of researchers from the Architecture Department at the University of Pennsylvania is more broadly devising innovative Integrated Design strategies that can be implemented in the process of whole building design of high performance buildings.
Volume Editors
Kiel Moe & William Braham