Encounters Encuentros Recontres

Transformation through Aesthetic Characterization

International Proceedings

Author(s): Bret E. Peters

This essay describes preliminary research conclusions of a graduate architecture/urban design studio produced as a cooperative effort between the Faculdad de Arquitectura of the Universidad de Panamá, Penn State and Texas Tech Universities. The project documents and analyses one of Panamá’s most notorious neighborhoods. A collaborative student/faculty team developed a planning strategy based on gradients of influence and presence emerging from positive iconic elements identified surrounding the site. The study results in a series of planning recommendations that form a basis for future, more detailed investigation into the strategic transformation of El Chorrillo into a safe, welcoming neighborhood for all Panamanians. This paper is paired with Texas Tech Professor Michael Mussotter’s submission, which details the parallel development of a new housing typology for El Chorrillo, which was developed as part of the activities of the same collaborative program.

Volume Editors
David Covo & Gabriel Mérigo Basurto
