Author(s): Zaneta H. Hong
The humanist approach to architectural knowledgeand production has traditionally taken the body asthe irreducible unit of measure. Likewise health isan attribute most often ascribed to individuals, measuredagainst other individuals, and enacted uponat the scale of the individual. As architecture, alongwith landscape architecture, urban design and planning,more fully address issues of health, we havecome to understand it as a collection of knowledgethat also describes places and phenomena beyondthe individual, from information and structures tosystems and environments. Not only does this shifthow we design for the built environment, but whatwe analyze, how we intervene, and in what ways wedefine irreducibility. This paper examines the role ofthe city as the pedagogical subject of inquiry and thesite of speculative intervention for an interdisciplinarydesign education.
Volume Editors
Billie Faircloth, Howard Frumkin & Sara Jensen Carr