112th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Disruptors on the Edge

Sticking Together: Merging Techniques for a Holistic Building Materials Pedagogy

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): David Kennedy

Building materials pedagogy can be mapped to a spectrum of student engagement types. At one end, students take a hands-on approach, and instruction comes in the form of haptic epistemology. At the opposite end of the spectrum, students rely on digital tools and data sets, gaining an understanding of materials as agents in a global resource and climate regime. The course described in this paper proposes a collapse of the spectrum, where haptic, local knowledge and data-driven, global knowledge come into alignment. It takes normative stick framing methods as a departure point for studying building envelopes. The banality of this type belies its broad impacts; the magnitude of its deployment positions it as an influential climate and resource agent. And its accessibility permits deeper study than with that of more complex types. A series of stick frame-based exercises conjugate physical/ local and digital/global understandings of building materials.


Volume Editors
Germane Barnes & Blair Satterfield
