2023 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference, Educating the Cosmopolitan Architect

Sharing our Stories: Reciprocal Personal Narratives as a Critical Cornerstone in the Public Interest Design Process

Teachers Proceedings

Author(s): Edward M. Orlowski

This paper outlines the significance of storytelling and specifically personal narrative in the teaching and practice of Public Interest Design. It discusses a variety of narrative tools and expectations imbedded in a studio course offered at Lawrence Technical University. Student case studies are presented to qualify a variety of levels to which a student’s own personal narrative informs the work undertaken, and reinforces a connection to their community partner. Observations of the student experience are analyzed and reinforced through literature review drawn from multiple disciplines. Conclusions discuss both the benefits and pitfalls of introducing personal narrative into the student work, and the relationships with community partners. (Authors note: Due to the personal nature of some of the material included, studio participants are identified by first name and last initial only.)


Volume Editors
Massimo Santanicchia
