92nd ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas

Practical Experiences in Conservation: The Preservation Praxis Cousre

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Agamemnon G. Pantel, Beatriz Del Cueto & Frank G. Matero

Preservation Praxis is an Advanced Technology Elective offered jointly to undergraduates in The New School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and students in the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania. Representatives from two disciplines embrace the documentation, analysis and treatment of historic structures and sites through extensive archival, laboratory, and on-site experiences.Focusing on conservation issues pertaining to specific architectural icons, students learn and apply the knowledge and skills required for interpretation and intervention of high-profile historic structures. Faculty and students target architecture of cultural relevance, engaging other institutions, decision-makers, and the community at large in understanding both their value and preservation possibilities. Hands-on workshops facilitate student training on traditional building techniques and methods.The highly technical studies produced are made understandable to the public through presentations to children, youngsters, government officers, and professionals from the construction industry. Projects cover the full spectrum of conservation: historical research, building documentation, sampling of materials, scientific analysis, and the production of technical drawings and specifications. Students learn and apply theoretical knowledge and the practical skills required for the preservation of historic monuments and sites.

Volume Editors
Marilys R. Nepomechie & Robert Gonzalez
