Author(s): Evelyn Tickle
There is a state of emergency in the USA- catastrophic coastal erosion, rising sea levels at the rate of one-eighth of an inch per year and poor water quality. Oysters can help. Oysters filter the water, removing toxins. Oyster reefs are living infra-structures that protect coastlines from storms and tidal surges. But…many of the world’s existing oyster reefs are functionally impaired. The Chesapeake Bay is dying. Untreated chemical run-off and human waste is creating ‘Dead Zones’ where there is no oxygen to support marine life. Much of Hurricane Sandy’s damage to New York City could have been prevented. In the early 1800’s the Harbor was lined with living oyster reefs. Now, these are dead or dying, fragile and vulnerable. Miami is flooded on a regular basis reports Miami Herald. Our oyster reefs must be revived or rebuilt- they will help. Walls are not the answer. 14% of US coastal cities have massive sea-walls already. National Geographic reports that by 2100 one-third of our coastal cities will be protected by walls, that cost billions of dollars and will not provide protection from the most severe storms. I believe in the power of the oyster. The oyster is an engineer- its reefs and shells work together as a “system of systems” to protect our waters and coastlines. Without them we are sunk, literally, no matter how many engineered systems we humans try to substitute and pay billions of dollars to implement.
Volume Editors
Ángela García de Paredes, Iñaqui Carnicero & Julio Salcedo-Fernandez