Author(s): Amber Frid-Jimenez & Joseph Dahmen
Mycelium Mockup is an architectural installationthat uses biotechnology to explore thecontradictory relationship of sustainabilityto market forces in architecture. The installationis fabricated of cellulosic wood wasteand living mycelium, the root structure ofmushrooms. This thread-like fungus plays anessential role in the natural world, aiding inthe decomposition of materials and convertingthem to biologically available elements.During the installation, the structural elementsof the wall produce edible oyster mushrooms,providing a source of food as well asscreen for video projections that investigatethe tensions implicit in the desire to controlnatural processes. At project end, what isnot eaten is composted, returning valuableorganic matter to the local ecosystem.
Volume Editors
Robert Corser & Sharon Haar