Author(s): Donna Kacmar
What does a city sound, smell, and taste like? How does the air, water, food, andsonic environment in cities determine our health?This paper will explore six cities in Asia: Tokyo, Kyoto, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok,and Hong Kong and speculate on the relationship between air, water, food, smelland sonic environment and more standard measures of urban health such as longevity,disease, density, and walkability.Each ingestible item will be mapped so we might speculate on how these issuesbeyond the control of most citizens or architects are influencing human health.Air will be mapped by pollution sources and air quality indexes. Water quality andfood sources will map the taste of the city. Olfactory categories of minty, floral,ethereal, musky, resinous, foul or acrid will be identified and located; likewisesounds can be mapped by source and intensity. This paper and accompanyinggraphics will present the ephemeral map of each city.
Volume Editors
Alice Kimm & Jaepil Choi