92nd ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas

Form, but Not Style: Seeking a Climate-Responsive Design Pedagogy

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): John D. Quale

This paper documents an evolving studio teaching pedagogy based in ecological and climate-responsive ideas, without being rigid or formulaic in its implementation. The first section briefly describes the current state of environmental issues in design schools and the architectural profession, in order to establish the context. The author then asserts that ecological design should not be too closely aligned with any particular style or method of form making. Rather, it should be informed by passive and climate responsive design principles, which can influence a building’s form, without dictating it. The remainder of the paper presents three examples of the author’s own studio teaching that demonstrate a working method based on enduring principles.

Volume Editors
Marilys R. Nepomechie & Robert Gonzalez
