104th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Shaping New Knowledges

EcoTechnoHub: UpCycling of an Obsolete Water Treatment Plant

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Diego Garcia-Setian & Silvia Sanchez

EcoTechnoHub is our proposal of a 3rd lifefor the Obsolete Water Treatment Plantin Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain).Situated on an existing sheep route, itserved as an infrastructure for the village ofMiraflores, until a new plant was built downstream,when the site started its 2nd life as anursery, and diverse private and public associationsand communities have been using itsince then for ecological education purposes(NGOs as ADEA, private Corporations, schools,neighbors). For its 3rd life, the site enhancesits biodiversity and relates to the new NaturalPark to which it belongs. As its new effectivelandmark, the Hub would benefit from thePark’s visitor flow.

Volume Editors
Robert Corser & Sharon Haar
