110th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Empower

Design, Machine Learning and the City: Borrowing Memories to Understand Urban Space

Annual Meeting Proceedings

Author(s): Ersin Altin

The project has been designed to incorporate digital technologies to understand our connection, as humans, with “place” by utilizing interactive tools. [AI]stanbul has been designed as a curious machine that aims to become a “virtual native.” In a broader sense, the project tackles the question “how can we teach our city to a machine?” Here, I discuss what the “machine” learned after an experiment on the utilization of the urban space and seek the ways what we can learn back from what “machine” learned from city dwellers and the way [AI]stanbul processed collected data as well as the ethical aspects of the process.


Volume Editors
Robert Gonzalez, Milton Curry & Monica Ponce de Leon
