2021 ACSA Teachers Conference, Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design in Action

Climate Health/care: A Low Carbon-points Pedagogy

Teachers Proceedings

Author(s): Luis Hernan, Emma Cheatle & Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa

Positionality. As three creative and humanities practitioners, teachers and theorists, we propose a climate health/ care pedagogy to engage with the intersections of design and health. Our approaches range from creative-biological methods, to narrative, creative writing, photography, micro-histories and instrument making as means to speculate on the existence of different people, animals and places of health, the biosocial, and the way that technology configures contemporary health anxieties. We use these tools to reflect on the state of the thesis “curriculum” at the UK institutions where we collectively teach, the Sheffield School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, the Royal College of Art, and the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.


Volume Editors
Jonathan A. Scelsa & Jørgen Johan Tandberg
