Author(s): Ben Shacklette & Urs Flueckiger
28 Dollar and 12 ½ Cents is the amount that HenryDavid Thoreau paid for materials for his Cabin atWalden Pond near Concord Massachusetts in 1847.Adjusted for inflation this would amount to 640Dollars and 15 Cents today.One hundred and sixty-three years later as a partof an interdisciplinary product design elective at theCollege of Architecture, Texas Tech University inLubbock, Texas, the students and their professorsfrom three different departments revive Thoreau’ssprit of building a sustainable cabin on a budget.This paper is a critical review of the research processand questions whether it is possible to design/builda sustainable cabin on a minimal budget and howthis project fits within the architecture curriculum.
Volume Editors
Ikhlas Sabouni & Jorge Vanegas