Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

The LumenHAUS (primary faculty advisors: Associate Professor Joseph Wheeler, A.I.A.; T.A. Carter Professor of Architecture Robert Dunay, F.A.I.A., Director of the Center for Design Research; Professor Robert Schubert, Associate Dean for Research; Visting Instructor David “Chip” Clark) has been selected as one of nine recipients of the 2012 American Institute of Architects Honor Awards for Architecture. The jury commented that the “creative use of materials and the flexibility of its components quickly respond to changes in the environment through automated systems that optimize energy consumption. The plan and section are orchestrated by light and materials to enhance the perception of a small footprint. The interior is cleverly designed with comfortable if compact spaces, compatible materials, and a rationale and clear layout.” It is for the first time that a building conceived, constructed, and built by an architecture school has been awarded with a National AIA Honor award. 

Professor Susan Piedmont-Palladino’s book, Intelligent Cities, was just published in December by the National Building Museum. It’s the culmination of a year-long initiative supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.