Nationally and internationally known architects, designers, historians and theorists will present their work this semester at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as part of the Robert B. Church III Memorial Lecture Series.

The lecture series is free and open to the public. It is composed of exhibitions, presentations and films.

The semester lineup includes lectures by:

  • Jan. 30: Max Underwood, professor of architecture from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, will speak on Charles and Ray Eames. An additional lunch talk will be available to interested parties earlier in the day at 12 p.m. in 103A, Art and Architecture Building.
  • Feb. 13: “Digital Materiality in Architecture” by Fabio Gramazio, architect and digital fabricator of Gramazio & Kohler in Zurich, Switzerland.
  • March 12: Karl-Heinz Schmitz, professor of architecture at Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. Schmitz is an expert in the design and theory of building types, and will present on architecture and urbanism.
  • March 26: Massimo Carmassi will be the General Shale Lecturer, the keynote speaker of the spring series. Carmassi is a specialist in restoration and preservation in architecture and urban design. He will visit the university from Florence, Italy.
  • April 2: Fran Silvestre of Fran Silvestre Navarro Arquitectos in Valencia, Spain, will present on topics in contemporary architecture.
  • April 9: Vinayak Bharne, director of design at Moule & Polyzoides Architects & Urbanists in Pasadena, California, and lecturer of architecture at the University of Southern California, will speak on issues in architecture and theory.

More details available at: 

The College of Architecture and Design at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, announces its first CoAD Career Day. The event is scheduled for Friday, February 24, 2012.

More details about this event is at