Professor Jeffrey L. Day in a collaboration between Min | Day and FACT has won two more awards in 2013 for the Bemis InfoShop project: an AIA San Francisco Honor Award for Interior Architecture and an AIA National Small Project Honor Award. The project has previously received awards from AIA Nebraska and AIA Central States Region.
Mr. Day was invited to present “Anything Goes” as the annual Eva Maddox lecture at the University of Illinois-Chicago on April 1, 2013.
Mr. Day with Min | Day were selected as semi-finalists in the “Typecast | Recast” public art commission in Omaha. The finalist(s) will be announced in mid-May.
Professor Wayne Drummond attained Emeritus Dean rank and was honored by The College of Architecture during the Legacy of Leadership ceremony in April 2013.
Associate Professor Chris Ford presented a paper titled “The Composite Drawing in Architectural Education,” at the Design Communication Association conference at Oklahoma State in Oct 2012.
Mr. Ford also lectured on his “REIs: Renewable Energy Infrastructures” research at the University of Hawai’I in Dec 2012. It has since been published in the journal Edinburgh Architecture Research #33.
Assistant Professor Tim Hemsath was awarded a two-year $15,000 grant by the AIA Upjohn Research Initiative for A Framework for an Energy Efficient and Computer Automated Housing Design.
Professor Rumiko Handa published her article “Sir Walter Scott and Kenilworth Castle: Ruins Restored by Historical Imagination” in Preservation Education and Research, Journal of the National Council for Preservation Education, volume 5 (2012), 29-44. Her photograph of Kenilworth Castle made the journal’s cover.
Dr. Handa’s article titled “Indigo Jones and Stonehenge: The Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain, Restored,” is included in the book Ordo et Mensura IX, edited by Florian Huber and Rolf C.A. Rottländer and published by Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, Germany (2012).
Professor Mark Hoistad has been given Adjunct Professor status at XiAn Jioatong University for three years, where he has acted as visiting critic and lectured twice.
Assistant Professor Brian M. Kelly will be featured in two forthcoming journals – the International Journal of Interior Architecture and Spatial Design (title “HP2”) and AIA’s Forward (titled “Making by Proxy: A Contemporary Definition of Manufacturing”).
Mr. Kelly presented papers at AAE conference at Nottingham Trent University, ARCC conference at UNC Charlotte, and ATMOS 5 conference at University of Manitoba.
Mr. Kelly’s design research work titled “HP2” was short listed from a national call for the IDEC Design Awards Program in the category of “Design as Idea.” The work was part of the ACSA’s National Conference poster session in San Francisco.
Mr. Kelly co-authored a paper with Eric Leahy (UNL ’12), which will be included in the MediaCities 4 conference at the University of Buffalo.
Associate Professor Nathan Krug will receive a ‘Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students’ from The Parents Association, University of Nebraska – Lincoln for his “significant contribution to their lives while at UNL.”
Assistant Professor Peter Olshavsky has received a $10,000 Layman Seed Grant to support his project “Story-telling Machines: North American Architecture of Late-Modernity, 1969-1999.”
Dr. Olshavsky presented a paper, “Re-Telling Paris: Creative History as Perceptual Place-making” and moderated a session at the National Conference of the Beginning Design Student at Temple University.
Dr. Olshavsky is organizing a paper session called “Global Architectural Machine Traditions” for ACSA Miami and is currently accepting submissions.
Professor and Dean Emeritus Cecil Steward was honored during the College of Architecture’s Legacy of Leadership ceremony in April 2013.