Webinars + Workshops

ACSA holds multiple online events covering the spectrum of architectural education, from assessing outcomes to developing a faculty research agenda to building successful curricula for students.

Webinars + Workshops

Design for Freedom

This webinar will raise awareness about forced labor in the creation of the built environment, and to demonstrate how student design and research can recognize and help eliminate forced labor in architecture and construction.

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ACSA Special Business Meeting

ACSA leadership is calling for an official member business meeting on August 21 at 7:00 pm Eastern via Zoom to discuss NAAB's decision to end discussions with funding organizations about their proposed program fees.

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Climate, Architecture, and Policy Communications

ACSA will provide all its members with the chance to participate in a series of climate training modules conducted by the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism. These modules, which will cover topics such as storytelling, media, and terminology, are also highly recommended for academics.

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Climate, Architecture, and Storytelling

ACSA will provide all its members with the chance to participate in a series of climate training modules conducted by the USC Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism. These modules, which will cover topics such as storytelling, media, and terminology, are also highly recommended for academics.

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2024 ACSA Annual Business Meeting

On Wednesday, March 27 at 7:00 pm ET / 4:00 pm PT, ACSA held its Annual Business Meeting via Zoom. This meeting was an opportunity for the board of directors to update the membership on ACSA’s activities and to hold some structured conversations on change happening in architectural education.

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ACSA Member Caucuses

The event was an opportunity for facilitated discussions with ACSA board members.

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ACSA Special Business Meeting

ACSA leadership called an official member business meeting on January 22 at 7:00 pm Eastern on Zoom to consider a vote to reject NAAB’s financial proposal and consider a call for significant change to our profession’s educational accreditor.

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Member Update on Funding for Accreditation

Join us as the ACSA president and executive director update full and candidate members about the status of funding discussions for NAAB.

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2023 Zero Energy Design Designation: Preparing the Next Generation of Designers

Join this session to learn how your collegiate program could earn the new U.S. Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Design Designation (ZEDD).

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ACSA Member Caucuses

The event was an opportunity for facilitated discussions with ACSA board members.

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In Commons Conference Logo

Design Commons - Practices, Processes and Crossovers

This session will focus on the challenges and critiques of the commons in different design practices, exploring their social, cultural, and ecological ramifications.

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Expanding Access to Architectural Education Part III: Stakeholders Planning Meeting on Improving Community College Transfer

Join us for a conversation and planning meeting with the major stakeholders in community college transfer relationships. This is one of several ACSA events about expanding access to architectural education.

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