Eight projects on the topic of All-Inclusive Engagement in Architecture will be selected by peer-review and will be included in an upcoming publication edited by Farhana Ferdous and Bryan Bell.

The case studies sought should present socially engaged architecture as a broad project that demonstrate new innovative modes of architectural production that serve through architecture a multitude of “others” – those who live in poverty, are being victimized, forced into being refugees, suffering famine or homelessness. The book terms this work, taken as a whole, all-inclusive engagement.

The proposed book offers a framework of scholarship to understand various aspects of an emerging architectural culture broadly through critical discussion of theoretical, methodological and empirical evidence. Variously termed as public interest design, humanitarian architecture, pro-bono architecture, participatory architecture, and/or community architecture, the modernist utopia— architecture as an instrument of social change has returned to recent architectural discourse with a vengeance to the degree that it conceives a radical reformation of the profession and its relationship to society. While much of the available scholarship on social engagement in architecture is portrayed as a sheer pragmatic response to the economically divisive world, the proposed volume argues that this emerging trend requires a deeper theoretical analysis.

Current literature presents a disjunction between action-based community-engaged projects and theoretically based scholarship as a major gap in knowledge in the education of Architecture and Public Interest Design. To fill this gap, we seek field-based case studies that also establish a theoretical foundation to assess the scope, limitations, diversities, and possibilities of their social engagement. Although there are a number of good books on this topic, which is evidence of the burgeoning market of readers of the subject, most focus on discussing the working methods, techniques, and various pragmatic aspects of socially engaged architecture. This book will fill the lacuna by giving an in-depth analysis of all-inclusive engagement from socio-cultural contexts that framed the practice, as well as address the inadequate theoretical discussion on the topic.

Two case study projects will be selected for each of the following four topics:

I. Design Pedagogy

II. Theory and Scholarship

III. Contemporary Practice and Digital Engagement

IV. Community Health and Engaged Urbanism

10 January 2018: Submissions due by author including name, institution/organization, project title, 300 word abstract, 8-10 images (med/low resolution). Select one of the four topic areas from list above and include as first key word.

5 February 2018: Editors shortlist the project, send the invitation to submit the draft chapters

1 March 2018: Author submits 1500 words chapter with maximum 10 high-resolution images with copyright permission and release by each subject included

31 March 2018: Editors send the chapters for the peer-review process

15 April 2018: Editors send the reviewers comments to the authors

30 May 2018: Author submits the final chapter to the editors