Mississippi State University

The School of Architecture and the Department of Sustainable Bioproducts at Mississippi State University are excited to announce a new Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association Endowed Professorship to engage in mass timber research and design teaching. We invite applicants for this appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor with an anticipated start date of Fall 2025. We seek a candidate with extensive experience in mass timber design and research, helping to develop and conduct a program of research in forest products and sustainable bioproducts with an emphasis on wood and mass timber in housing, green building, timber-based modular design, hybrid mass timber construction, and teaching studios focused on the exploration and application of mass timber design. Mississippi State University is dedicated to building a nationally recognized, funded mass timber research program that enjoys collaboration across the campus in many colleges and departments, with federal and external stakeholders, to provide internal and external service and outreach. Candidates eager to advance these opportunities are encouraged to apply.

The appointment is split between research in the Department of Sustainable Bioproducts and teaching and research in the School of Architecture. Testing facilities in the College of Forest Resources provide an extensive range of support, including analytical and testing equipment, pilot plants, and comprehensive research facilities for wood and wood products. The School of Architecture centers its education on the design studio. Advanced studios dedicated to the exploration of mass timber and timber-based modular design provide opportunities to examine the design of wood products in architecture. The Department of Sustainable Bioproducts and the School of Architecture have the shared vision of advancing mass timber and timber-based modular design.

Candidates with design studio teaching experience are required. Professional licensure (or progress toward licensure) or an earned Ph.D. (or progress toward a Ph.D.) is also required. The School of Architecture encourages diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. We invite candidates who can collaborate with our faculty who share diverse viewpoints and who can make a positive contribution to the missions of our school and college as well as the university.

Applications must apply online at http://explore.msujobs.msstate.edu. Applications include a cover letter, current resume or curriculum vitae, portfolio, and contact information for three professional references. Applications should be addressed to: Jassen Callender, Faculty Search Committee Co-Chair, School of Architecture, Mississippi State University. Review of materials will begin on December 1, 2024, and continue until the position is filled.

MSU is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, pregnancy, gender identity, status as a U.S. veteran, and/or any other status protected by applicable law. We always welcome nominations and applications from women, members of any minority group, and others who share our passion for building a diverse community that reflects the diversity in our student population.