Author(s): Kyna Leski
Field is a ground that forms at the creative beginningof a work. The true beginning of any creative workis the desire to know something that you do notknow but need to know. This need may provoke aproject or may not develop until you are deep intoone, realize the inadequacy of existing strategies andstart to look elsewhere. This can also come from therealization that you are working from ideas that areno longer relevant. The absence caused by what isabandoned creates a kind of negative pressure. Youstart to notice things that are relevant. Things thatare relevant seem to attract each other by associationand a field of related elements is elicited. Whatis gathered, how it is gathered and who is doing thegathering creates a structure that becomes a coherentcontext that assists in navigating the creativeprocess. The structure of this field is the mind of theproject. What follows is one example of a gatheringfield.
Volume Editors
Urs Peter Flueckiger & Victoria McReynolds