Author(s): Maria Federica Ottone & Mostafa Rabea Abdelbaset Khalifa
The Gap inside Metropolitan citiesDeveloped and poor communities are no longer live separated. They meeton the border of poverty pockets inside the same city itself where the Gap ishighly noticed in Metropolitans of 3rd world countries.Poverty Pockets!!- What/where are poverty pockets?- Examples of poverty pockets in (Cairo, Mumbai, Nairobi, and San Paolo)- What are problems ? (For governments/ inhabitants)The blind methods (one-eyed approach)As poverty pockets are located on a high value lands, urban developing sectorsfollow a traditional strategy of relocate the inhabitants to new low cost settlementsoutside the metropolitan urban context , hopefully, to clear the slum offby demolishing all buildings and replace them with new profitable projects.results of this actions were unexpected and surprised the governments.- Why traditional strategies are one-eyed or blind approach for poorcommunities?- Traditional and recent strategies (weakness or failures)- Do we need to think “out of the box” for poor communities?- Can we improve poverty pockets without people re-localization? How?The Changing is “out of the box”Western architecture culture had express, in the past years, several linesof urban phenomena interpretation, mainly based on a formal idea and onorganization of roads and communication, (mono-centric city, multi-center,linear, etc.). Today, this approach is not appropriated any more for poorcommunities: we need to interrelate the themes on urban Sustainabilityproduced by different disciplines to identify new standards, so to cover issuessuch as identity, land consumption, energy, thermodynamics, physics,economy, social development. The multidisciplinary approach seems nowto be the only way that allows to obtain a new vision of sustainable urbandevelopment . The goal is to provide new tools for the interpretation of urbanphenomena to all those ones involved in the territories of cities characterizedby strong inhomogeneity.Self-changing work ExamplesA- Douala Experience: second prize award by IAHHInternational 2010The idea of urban poor self-improvement was proposed by Association ofHumane Habitat international competition, in which an interdisciplinaryteam of architects PhD, biologists, ecologists, members of the GraduateSchool of the University of Camerino-Italy, has proposed a strategy for regenerationof a suburb of the city of Douala in Cameroon. The group wasawarded the second prize for a proposal which identified a method of gradualreplacement of homes built with no sanitation and no infrastructure. Anapproach in which public participation in building infrastructure (sewers,tanks, roads, etc.) is compensated with the participation of citizens in aprogram of guided self-constructionB- Self-blooming prototype technologySelf-blooming technology is a recent PhD study works on creating andautomating slums self-improvement system, specially, for poverty pocketsthat located on high value lands inside Metropolitan cities without needs ofre-localization of local inhabitants.- What is self-blooming technology?- Self-changing phases- Sectors Flow/work co-operation- Application Examples (Cairo and Mumbai)
Volume Editors
Martha Thorne & Xavier Costa