Dr. Winifred Elysse Newman, Ph.D. Announced as Incoming TAD Executive Editor
For Immediate Release:
Washington D.C., January 22, 2021 —Dr. Winifred Elysse Newman, Ph.D., has been named the incoming Executive Editor of the journal, Technology | Architecture + Design. Her term as Executive Editor will begin on July 1, 2021 and she will lead the journal for volumes six through eight. Newman has been a member of the TAD Editorial Board since July of 2019.
Newman is the Homer Curtis Mickel and Leola Carter Mickel Professor of Architecture at Clemson University and the Associate Dean of Research and Academic Affairs for the College of Architecture, Arts, and the Humanities. She also serves as Director of the Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments (iMSE), promoting digital and human-machine hybrid solutions as a paradigm shift in the design and occupation of the built environment. Elysse is the author of the 2017 book Data Visualization for Design Thinking: Applied Mapping.
Her research concentrates on spatial perception in architecture, ecological psychology, and neuroaesthetics and utilizes data visualization, mapping, STEM learning environments, and histories of technology and science. She has received funding from the NSF, FIU, the Graham Foundation, and others. Newman was a Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin with additional fellowships from the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
ACSA President, Lynne Dearborn, PhD, AIA, states:
On behalf of the ACSA Board of Directors, I welcome Professor Elysse Newman to the role of TAD Executive Editor. We are pleased that Newman will bring her extensive architectural research background and insights to the role. Newman assumes Editorial leadership of ACSA’s newest journal from Marci S. Uihlein, who along with an accomplished editorial board, has enabled TAD to break new ground as a venue for transdisciplinary architectural scholarship bridging academia into professional and technical realms with architecture’s other subdisciplines. As the journal moves into its 5th year of publication, we look forward to Elysse continuing this innovative path.
TAD is a peer-reviewed, international journal dedicated to the advancement of scholarship in the field of building technology and its translation, integration, and impact on architecture and design. TAD is published by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), a nonprofit membership association dedicated to leading architectural education and research. A nine-person Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the TAD journal and its website. TAD’s larger Advisory Board brings together leaders within the architecture, engineering, construction, and design fields. www.tadjournal.org
About the ACSA
Founded in 1912 by 10 charter members, ACSA has grown to represent over 200 schools in several membership categories, including full membership for all accredited programs in the United States and government-sanctioned schools in Canada, candidate membership for schools seeking accreditation, and affiliate membership for schools with two-year and international programs. Through these schools, over 6,000 architecture faculty are represented. The association maintains a variety of activities that influence, communicate, and record important issues, including journals, scholarly meetings, awards and competition programs, support for architectural research, policy development, and liaison with allied organizations. www.acsa-arch.org
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Amanda Gann
Creative Lead of Communications and Marketing