Dr. Nancy Kwallek, Director of the UTSoA Interiors program will host the “Textiles Symposium Weaving the Past and the Present,” at the Univeristy of Texas at Austin.

On September 24, Assistant Professor Benjamin Ibarra Sevilla opened his exhibition “El arte de la cantería Mixteca” (Mixtec Stonecutting Artistry) in the Museum of Arts and Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Dr. Mark Simmons, lecturer at the School of Architecture and research scientist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, has received a 2013 Honor Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) in the Professional category for his project, “The Lawn is Dead – Long Live the Lawn.”

Assistant Professor Junfeng Jiao—with research assistant at Ball State, Max Dillivan—has just published an article titled “Transit Desert: The Gap between Demand and Supply” in the Journal of Public Transportation, October 2013, Vol. 16.3.

Assistant Professor Dr. Petra Leidl led the Harrington Symposium at the University of Texas at Austin on October 1-4, “EnergyXchange: Munich and Austin: Regional Centers of Sustainable Innovation”.