Professors George Dodds, Ph.D., and David Matthews have been named associate deans of the College of Architecture and Design at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  

In his role as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Research, Dodds will administer curricular development, research activities, study abroad programs, student professional and academic organizations, and admissions and enrollment activities of the college.

Dodds, a UT faculty member for nearly twelve years, has served in numerous leadership roles and been recipient to several awards. In addition to this position, Dodds was recently named Chair of the Graduate Architecture Program and received one of UT’s most prestigious awards, the Chancellor’s Honor for Excellence in Advising. In late April, UT also appointed Dodds the Alvin and Sally Beaman Professorship, a distinguished service award which honors only the very best teacher-scholars of the university.

Matthews came to UT in 2010 when appointed Chair of the Interior Design Program. He has nearly twenty years of teaching experience in interior design and architecture. Prior to coming to the College of Architecture and Design, Matthews, in addition to his faculty position, was the Director of Academic Technologies at Ohio University.

As the Associate Dean of Communications and Facilities, Matthews will oversee technology issues related to faculty research, teaching and creative activities, facility operations, renovations and equipment, and communication initiatives and efforts.