David Heymann, Harwell Hamilton Harris Regents Professor in Architecture, has been elevated to the Fellowship of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in recognition of contributions to the advancement of design. 

Cisco Gomes will be promoted to associate professor with tenure, pending final approval by the Board of Regents. His promotion will be effective September 1, 2014.

Assistant Professor Igor Siddiqui‘s new experimental project, “Protoplastic,” is featured in a solo show at the TOPS Gallery in Memphis, Tennessee. The exhibit will run through March 29.

Mark Simmons, UTSOA Lecturer and Director of the Ecosystem Design Group at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, presented a talk, titled “Eco-metropolis: Deploying the Power of Nature,” at TEDxCongress in Austin, Texas.

TEX-FAB extends its reach to Austin, this year adding The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture under the leadership of Assistant Professor Kory Bieg as a member organization. In doing so, UTSOA is supporting the largest and most complete event to date, with Michel Rojkind as keynote lecturer, as well as six speakers and four moderators. Feb. 19-23, 2014.