March 11, 2025

AASL Column, March 2025

AASL Column

AASL Column, March 2025

Barret Havens and Barbara Opar, column editors

Bon Temps, Beau Temps: Highlights of the Upcoming AASL Conference in New Orleans

Greetings, ACSA members! The AASL Board and Committee Planning members would like to invite you to attend these relevant Association of Architecture School Librarians events.


LIGHTNING TALKS – Steering Collections and Spaces (9:10 – 10:00 AM)
Moderator: Rose Orcutt; Sponsor: A+E Portal

Highly Effective Collection Development for Librarians Serving Communities of Architectural Scholarship and Practice
Barret Havens, Woodbury University

Study for Development of Library Resources for Off-site Graduate Programs in Architecture
Ann Baird, University of Florida Art and Architecture Library

From Foundation to Future: Hejduk’s Renovation and 21st Century Innovations at The Cooper Union
Mackenzie Williams, Cooper Union Library and Steven Hillyer, The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture Archive, The Cooper Union

Revitalizing a Branch Library – A Space In-between
Jenna Rinalducci, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

PRESENTATIONS – Collaborative Instruction (11:10 AM – 12:00 PM)

Repair After Shock and Awe: Critical Pedagogy and Zine Libraries as Tools to Rebuild and Maintain Communities
Holly Wilson, Pratt Institute and Romel Espinel, Pratt Institute.   Moderator: Cindy Frank

Collaborating to Create: Red Oak Reuse

Ann Holderfield, Clemson University and Joel Brown, Clemson University

PANEL (2:00 – 3:00 PM)
Moderator: Carl Siegel; Sponsor: urbanNext

Transformative Projects: Evidence of University-Community Partnerships from the Rudy Bruner Award Collection
Carl Siegel, University of Buffalo; Dan Pitera, University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture + Community Development; Camden Miller, University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning; and Robert G. Shibley, Director of the Rudy Bruner Center for Urban Excellence, University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning

The Rudy Bruner Award collection at the University at Buffalo highlights innovative projects and places that make up a vital part of America’s urban fabric. Building off the 30-year history of the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence, the collection documents the complex processes of urban development and serves as a resource for ongoing study in community-engaged placemaking practices. This panel will discuss how university-community partnerships in particular can play a transformative role in community development and placemaking, highlighting the history and ongoing work of the St. Joseph’s Rebuild Center in New Orleans (2009 RBA Silver Medal). The Rebuild Center began as a collaborative effort between local charities and designers from the University of Detroit Mercy’s Detroit Design Collaborative to provide temporary shelter and social services in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and still operates as a day shelter providing compassionate and dignified care to New Orleans’ unhoused population.


LIGHTNING TALKS – Expanded Literacies (10:10 – 10:40 AM)
Moderator: Barbara Opar; Sponsor: The Plan Journal

Can You Copyright a Bridge?
Sara Schumacher, Texas Tech University

Empowering Content Creators: Equitable Outreach in Architecture Education
Paris Whalon, University of Tennessee – Knoxville

PRESENTATIONS – Building, Planning, and Recovery (10:50 – 11:50 AM)
Moderator: Cindy Frank; Sponsor: Building Types Online

Building an In-House Materials Library: An Accessible and Sustainable Approach for Architecture Programs
Sara Mautino, Oklahoma State University & Amy Hunt, Oklahoma State University

Repair, Rethink, Reconnect: The Frank Lloyd Wright Digital Archive at Avery Library
Margaret Smithglass, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University & Katherine Prater Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia University; Sara Mautino, Oklahoma State University & Amy Hunt, Oklahoma State University

Crisis and Care: Rewriting Disaster Response for the People Behind Recovery
Lauren Gottlieb-Miller, University of Houston