November 14-16, 2024 | Denver, CO

2024 Administrators Conference


November 14th

Conference Sessions

November 15th

Conference Sessions

November 16th

Conference Sessions

The Long View

This year’s administrators conference will take place in Denver, Colorado — November 14-16, 2024 — for current and future educational leaders. The conference will be a series of in-person sessions and roundtables to collaborate, share ideas and discuss.

Conference Overview

The Long View

In the context of diminishing enrollments, budget deficits, polarization, censorship, eroding public perception of higher education, and pressures to deliver job-ready graduates, how can architecture education still take the long view? How might we resist pressures to compromise long held strengths in favor of short term goals? How do we acknowledge that change is inevitable and important, while continuously exercising the necessary judgment to do what is best for the discipline and its future practitioners?

This year’s Administrators Conference will take “The Long View,” in an effort to ensure our educational imperative remains aligned with the long-term goals of the discipline and evolving needs of society. We will set the stage through identification of what, precisely, those long view conditions and goals might be. We will discuss the potential barriers we are currently experiencing and may encounter in the future. And, most importantly, we will speculate on strategies for productive resistance and novel cooperation, as Donna Harraway phrases it, “stay with the trouble” of delivering ethical, sustainable, and relevant architectural education.

Conference Partners

Michelle Sturges
Conferences Manager

Eric W. Ellis
Sr. Director of Operations and Programs