Author(s): Kimberly E. Zarecor, Jennifer Drinkwater, David J. Peters, Biswa Das & Ana Luz
Most small and rural communities in the United States are shrinking. This population loss is often accompanied by economic and social upheaval—job losses, out migration of young people, school closures, reductions in local services, and deteriorating physical infrastructure. Because design firms cluster in metropolitan areas and most rural commissions are for private clients, architects are largely absent from these places. The AIA Framework for Design Excellence calls for the professional community to enable more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive environments, yet rural places pose a challenge because they remain a strikingly underserved market for architectural services. How can this vision for Design Excellence extend its reach into places where new construction is rare, and architects are not present to learn from and develop relationships with potential clients? This paper presents an overview of an interdisciplinary research project at Iowa State University funded by a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The research begins with this question: why do people in some rural towns perceive their quality of life to be increasing even when the population continues to shrink? Using twenty years of survey data about quality of life, the team identified small rural communities in Iowa where the typical association of population loss with community decline did not appear to hold true. Through interviews, site visits, spatial analysis, and data analysis using machine learning and other methods, the team is working to better understand what influences people’s perceptions of quality of life. Understanding more about these unexpectedly resilient communities requires conversations and building trust in places where few outsiders ever visit. Examples of projects in towns working with the research team include adaptive reuse of closed schools and other abandoned properties; improved recreational spaces and parks; and repurposing underused commercial properties.
Volume Editors
Rico Quirindongo & Georgeen Theodore