June 22-24, 2023 | Reykjavík, Iceland

2023 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference

Educating the Cosmopolitan Architect


October 12, 2022

Submission Deadline

December 2022

Submission Notification

June 22-24, 2023

Teachers Conference

Call for Submissions

The Reykjavik, 2023 Teacher Conference focuses on understanding and activating cosmopolitan citizenship in architectural education.

With this call, the joint conference of the North American and European associations for architectural education solicits scholarly presentations for the conference and proceedings. The conference addresses practitioners, academics, and citizens in general with an interest in exploring the present and future societal role of architectural education and invites participants to submit papers or posters reflecting on imagining architects’ societal roles as:

Call for Reviewers
Dissident Intellectuals

Dissident intellectuals ask critical questions of societal relevance and use the design process to reveal social and environmental injustices and expose them to a larger audience.

How can we make architectural education more political, radical, compassionate, and focused on the greater good? How can we use the learning environment to advance social and ecological justice and activism?

Ethical Professionals

Ethical professionals think in systems and understand architecture as the result of complex and multiple social, cultural, ecological, and economic relations that affect people and places in the present and future and in the near and global context.

How can architectural education explain the process of making architecture as an ecology of embedded relationships? How can we empower students to assume a responsibility that transcends the one between the architect and their client(s) and the specificity of the place?

Engaged Storytellers

Engaged storytellers use the design process as a narrative to reveal the voices of Others, build common understandings, form shared values, and imagine how we will live harmoniously together. Storytelling offers a supportive pedagogy that celebrates diversity of beings and thoughts by including different interests, perspectives, and experiences in the learning process.

How can architectural education empower students to develop common narratives that build common understanding of architecture and place?

Co-Creative Partners

Co-creative partners understand creativity as a collaborative journey and use the design process as an occasion to redefine the meaning and scope of architecture—and its education—to forge new ways of cooperating and producing collective experience. It looks to re-design the borders among the different academic disciplines and between academia and beyond to enhance communication and partnership.  

How can we promote a pedagogy in architecture less focused on idols and icons and more prone to collaboration and systems?

Caregivers of the World

Caregivers of the world use architecture and its education–its knowledge, attitude, skills, and behaviors-–to imagine and act to improve the world.

How can schools of architecture promote an understanding that architecture is about how we live together and, therefore, that an architect has the responsibility as a cosmopolitan citizen to care for the Other and for the global community of humans and non-humans alike?

Submission Requirements

Submission Deadline: October 12, 2022

Call for Papers

Selection of scholarly presentations will be based on double-blind peer review of extended abstracts (1,500 word limit) accompanied by optional images. Authors of accepted abstracts who present their work at the conference are then invited to submit a full paper for a second peer review for inclusion in a conference proceedings. It is expected that feedback from the abstract review and conference presentation will inform the final paper.

  • Abstracts must not exceed 1,500-words and include no more than five optional images.
  • Abstracts must be prepared for anonymous review (remove author/contributor names and affiliation identification).
  • Authors may present no more than two papers at the conference. No individual may be listed as the first author on more than four submissions.
  • Submissions must report on recently completed work and cannot have been previously published or presented in public, except to a regional audience.
  • Submissions must be written in English
Call for Posters

Selection of posters will be based on a blind peer-review of an abstracts (250-word limit) accompanied by up to ten images. Authors of accepted posters who present their work at the conference are then invited to submit a final poster for publication. The final poster will be an A1, portrait file that will be included in the conference proceedings. It is expected that feedback from the initial review will inform the final poster.

  • Poster authors should prepare a 250-word abstract along with up to 10 images.
  • Selection of posters will be based on a single-stage double-blind peer review process. Accepted authors will upload finalized PDFs prior to the conference.
  • Posters must be prepared for anonymous review (remove author/contributor names and affiliation identification).
  • Authors may present no more than two papers or posters at the conference. No individual may be listed as the first author on more than four submissions.
  • Submissions must report on recently completed work and cannot have been previously published or presented in public, except to a regional audience.
  • Submissions must be written in English
How to Submit

Educators, Practitioners, Researchers and Students are all encouraged to submit. The deadline for submitting to the Teachers Conference is October 12, 2022. If you are already an ACSA member, please log into the website to submit your abstract. If you are not an ACSA member or do not have an ACSA login, please create one online HERE. You may also request access by contacting ACSA directly at info@acsa-arch.org.

Authors will be required to select their primary and secondary roles corresponding the conferences societal roles:



Paper & Poster Presentations

Authors accepted to present at the conference will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to present the paper/poster at the conference before it is published. It is policy that accepted authors must pay full conference registration in order to be included in the conference presentation and Proceedings.

Sessions will be composed of accepted authors, allowing for both scholarly and applied research to mutually demonstrate impact. Each session will have a moderator, who will coordinate with authors regarding session guidelines as well as the general expectations for the session in advance. Accepted authors will have approximately 10-minutes to present in a session at the conference. Conference organizers reserves the right to withhold a paper from the program if the author fails to comply with guidelines, including deadlines and requests for submission of materials.





Michelle Sturges
Conferences Manager

Eric W. Ellis
Senior Director of Operations and Programs