Officers of the College of Distinguished Professors
Marilys Nepomechie, DPACSA
Florida International University
Vice Chancellor
Thomas Fisher, DPACSA
University of Minnesota
Renée Cheng, DPACSA
University of Washington
Past Chancellor
Marleen Kay Davis, DPACSA
University of Tennessee
Past DPACSA Officers
2023-24 Patricia Belton Oliver, DPACSA
University of Houston
2021-22 Mahesh Daas, DPACSA
Boston Architectural College
2020-21 Francisco J. Rodriguez-Suarez, DPACSA
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2019-20 Christine Theodoropoulos, DPACSA
CalPoly, San Luis Obispo
2018-19 Carmina Sanchez de Valle, DPACSA
Hampton University
2017-18 William J. Carpenter Jr., DPACSA
Kennesaw State University
2016-17 Geraldine Forbes Isais, DPACSA
University of New Mexico
2015-16 Frances Bronet, DPACSA
Illinois Institute of Technology
2014-15 Thomas Fowler IV, DPACSA
California Polytechnic State University
2013-14 Ikhlas Sabouni, Ph.D., DPASCA
Prairie View A&M University
2012-13 Marvin Malecha, FAIA, DPACSA
North Carolina State University
2012 Harry Van Oudenallen, DPACSA
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2011-12 Lance Jay Brown, DPACSA
City College of New York